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EZDRM的Olga Kornienko谈内容保护和多drm

Olga Kornienko,首席运营官 & Co-Founder, EZDRM,采访了创始执行董事蒂姆·西格林(Tim Siglin), 帮助我流研究基金会, and 流媒体撰稿人编辑 for a chat about the current state of DRM technology and the unique ways her company has contributed to the field.

Tim kicks off the conversation by highlighting that EZDRM was one of the 2022年读者选择奖得主. (DRM/内容保护类别). "Why that's so important is it says that people in the industry who use DRM (Digital Rights Management) have chosen EZDRM as the top DRM provider in the industry. 奥尔加,这是给你的众多奖项之一?” he asks.


“好吧,恭喜你!西格林说. “你知道,数字版权管理并不是很性感. 这有点像元数据. I mean, 每个人都必须拥有它, but nobody really sort of goes to the point where they know all the knowledge on it, 这就是他们来找你这样的医生的原因吗. And what is it that you provide to those companies who want to protect their content?”

“Well, the first thing we provide is knowledge and an understanding of the technology,科尔尼延科说. “这项技术本身一直笼罩着一层神秘的面纱. And we try to understand our customers because we believe that if you understand the technology, 你用起来会舒服得多. 我们已经将我们的系统设置为API转发基础设施, 只有两个api, and we allow our customers to set up using our keys API on the encoding side, 以及播放端的版权API. We also give our customers a chance to test out our system free of charge, because we believe that we have a really good product that stands on its own. And if a potential customer wants to come and play with the system…test it, 黑掉它,让它崩溃, 你想怎么做都行, 我们非常愿意让你玩它,并且非常, 在你真正致力于某件事之前,你要对它感到很舒服.”

“我们也是基于云计算的,”她继续说道. “我们身处多重云中. That allows our customers to actually have a higher Service Level Agreement (SLA) than just an uptime guarantee [of] four nines. 因为如果你在一片云里, AWS or Google or Rackspace…if they have a guarantee of four nines, we can't give you more than that. 但一旦扩展到多个云, you can go to five nines and that is a much more comfortable place to be.”

“你们提供现场和点播的解决方案吗?” Siglin asks.

“对我们来说,一段内容就是一段内容,”科尔尼延科说. “They have their own values…depending on which world you're coming from. 我们一直在和, 我不想说这是误传, but a lot of misconceptions in the industry that live events are only valuable when they're live. 但是话虽如此, 如果内容被黑客入侵或盗版, or if somebody starts to stream a pirated version of the content and the actual broadcaster, 谈判权利的人, the one that set up all the crazy infrastructure and has every redundancy – and everything else in the world set up for this broadcast – loses the client and the viewer eyeballs off of this broadcast, 那你就拿不回来了. You have a two-hour window or three-hour window depending on [a] concert or sporting event, 为了找回那双眼睛. 在如此短的时间内做到这一点要困难得多.”

西格林说:“这实际上是一个有趣的观点. “即使是以后的点播内容, the production cost…means that you're looking to retain the revenues that come off of it. Now, I think the last time we were together here at West you had a little sticker of your dog, and you mentioned before we went on the air that people actually remember that, 但是你也 IBC were handing out shirts and it had sort of a Rube Goldberg contraption on it. I'm assuming DRM is not quite as complicated as that whole path across the front of that shirt!”

科尔尼延科断然否认. “Basically what we are trying to do is to simplify that whole process,” she says. “And as wonderful and as fun as that whole…I think it's a 10-step Rube Goldberg that we have on that shirt…the idea is to press play and have everything happen seamlessly…with very, very, 非常低的延迟, 只是为了让用户完全看不见. As long as I actually take the approach that if customers and end users don't know that we exist, 那可能是最好的地方了.”

了解更多关于DRM的信息 流媒体东部2023.

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