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Value-Adds of Remote Production

In 2019, remote or REMI video production had yet to go mainstream, 大多局限于特定的用例,如现场移动新闻采集, 现场直播的体育, and road shows. In these scenarios, 来自远程位置的实时流和快速周转需要集成的工作流程,使远程位置的实时内容捕获能够从中央控制室进行管理. When the global pandemic hit, 分散的生产团队孤立地工作,很快就从例外变成了常态. 一直完全依赖于本地生产工作流的操作发现他们需要重新思考和调整他们的方法. Succeeding with REMI 工作流 became the order of the day.

Two years later, remote production is no longer the only game in town, 但是,那些曾经脱离必要性的生产商正在利用他们从这种新的工作方式中获得的灵活性和成本节约. 他们认识到,随着他们在不断发展的“新常态”中前进,这些方法为他们的运营增加了价值."


“一个巨大的附加价值是灵活的能力,可以在任何时候提供我们需要的任何服务,” CNN的数字 运营经理本·拉特纳在最近的流媒体东部小组会议上说. "We don't need to spend a lot of money on big systems, 大的服务器, big production suites when we can really just say, ‘嘿, I need another video player. Let me just buy that service.' Or, 'I need another cloud computer today for another vMix instance.'"

With the more modular, distributed approach the shift to remote has engendered, 他继续说, "We could really design exactly what we need as we need it, and maybe boost up that infrastructure down the line. But as far as nimbleness goes, it's been just a godsend."

Managing Bandwidth

"Over the course of this time, there have been so many interesting challenges that have come up,” Signiant CMO Jon Finegold. “进出这些设施的带宽是有限的, and so you've got these limited resources."

当NBA和NHL在“泡沫”环境下恢复2020赛季时, 他回忆道, “他们去了那些泡沫城市,那里的场馆通常每天只举办一场比赛, 突然之间,NHL和NBA试图在同一天在同一个场地进行三到四场比赛. 他们试图将所有预先录制的内容带到现场,并将所有刚刚完成的游戏内容带到现场, and they only had a fixed amount of bandwidth. So, really, what came into play there? 我们提供的一个很大的附加价值是加速文件移动,并让他们对带宽进行非常精细的控制,所有这些需要共享大管道的其他服务都可以使用,他接着说. "That's always been a pillar for Signiant, but it really became mission-critical in some of these use cases."

Distributing 百家乐软件

"One of the biggest things is access to virtual resources," added LiveU VP of Sales Mike Savello. 在传统的本地生产中,“为生产过程的各个部分找到所需的所有操作人员”一直是一个挑战. “我认为,在过去几年里,人们被大力推动进入整个REMI/混合模式的过程中,你现在已经打开了获取非地理中心百家乐软件的机会. 现在,访问分布式百家乐软件使找到可以操作您的相机的人变得容易得多, operate your graphics, operate everything you need to do. That piece of it has been a real eye-opener for for people. 这也是我认为我们不会回到三年前的原因之一,因为现在以你需要的价格找到你需要的人太容易了."

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