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[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at 流媒体 East 2013.] 

One of the most active companies on the show floor at this year's 流媒体 East conference in New York City was Haivision, which was showing its Video Content Management System product line, 视频云解决方案(NAB介绍), 和Viper编码设备. 演出期间, 梅森的机会, Haivision's EVP for internet media found time for a red carpet interview. One of the things he discussed was Haivision's tight relationship with Akamai for live events.

梅森说:“我们与Akamai的合作非常密切. “我们部署了很多编码器, 超过20,000 in the field primarily focus on live events and the creation of live content. So we needed a CDN that understood the value of live content and the importance of live content that had the ingress points throughout the world to where we could quickly enable our customers to broadcast their content outside the firewall with a reliable CDN. 所以我们和Akamai的关系很好."

Live video is huge in 2013 and Haivision is well positioned to take advantage of that. 梅森谈到了海视的实时编码选项.

Mason指出:“我们是第一个将实时转码器推向市场的公司. “我们有三种类型的实时转码器:一种, pay-as-you-go; two, managed services where Haivision will actually deploy the transcoders for you and manage them on your behalf; and three, actually license the software and spin it up in your own environment, which is very attractive to teleports or any organizations that are aggregating content or bringing content into a central location."

For more about Haivision's lineup and abilities, watch the full interview below.


蒂姆: Welcome back to the 百家乐软件app最新版下载 流媒体 2013 red carpet interviews. 我们请来了一位来自海视科技的优秀代表. And I’d like Chance to tell a little bit about himself and then we’ll start into what Haivision’s doing.

机会: 我叫钱斯·梅森. 我是海视网络媒体的执行副总裁. I joined Haivision after being in the industry for 12 years to expand the ecosystem of the product offering that we have at Haivision.

蒂姆: 那么海视科技最近在做什么呢?

机会: 是的. 海视公司成立近10年,至今已有20多年的历史,000编码器安装在现场管理低延迟, 面向企业的高品质视频分发, 礼拜场所, 医疗机构, 等.

蒂姆: 好吧. And you recently came out with a new version of the Makito product line, 如果我没记错的话, X2.

机会: Yep, X2 basically allows us to give twice the density for half the bandwidth. 它继续推动编解码器的发展.

蒂姆: 你提到了几个垂直市场, 礼拜场所, 医疗之类的, what would be kind of the core product line that would go into say a medical installation?

机会: So the 医疗机构 leverage our encoders for distribution, right. 给大家举个医学的例子, 可能需要手术, an OR room that actually wants to take that content and broadcast it inside the firewall, as well as outside the firewall to individuals to watch that content. 所以他们会利用我们的编码器.

蒂姆: 好的,非常好. And one of the things that I’ve heard mention of is a partnership or a solution alliance with Akamai. 你能谈谈这个吗.

机会: 是的,我们和阿卡迈合作很密切. 我们部署了很多编码器, 超过20,000 in the field primarily focus on live events and the creation of live content. So we needed CDN that understood the value of live content and the importance of live content that had the ingress points throughout the world to where we could quickly enable our customers to broadcast their content outside the firewall with a reliable CDN. 所以我们和Akamai的关系很好.

蒂姆: So it’s Akamai points of presence that can do ingest at those points as well as obviously loading onto the core network.

机会: 完全.

蒂姆: 好吧. What are you showing on the show floor here at 流媒体 East?

机会: 好吧, 我们正在展示各种各样的产品系列, 所以我们要展示我们的视觉视频云解决方案, 我们今年在NAB推出的. Which is essentially taking Haivision from behind the firewall company to an outside the firewall company. 我们现在展示的是VCMS的产品线, 我们的视频内容管理系统是什么, 很多时候被归类为OVP. 我们正在展示我们的网站建设者, which is a content management system that allows people to easily deploy rich media video portals. And then we’re also showcasing our Viper, which is one of our most popular encoding technologies.

蒂姆: 如果我没记错的话, 蝰蛇有多种输入方式, 而且还有一些视频炉的软件.

机会: 它. It’s basically taking the best of breed that we’ve developed for the different encoders that we have in the field and put it in a single compliance, 所以它有视频炉. 它有Makito,等等,都在一个盒子里. 因此,它绝对是该领域非常有价值的编码器.

蒂姆: 有趣的. So you mentioned trends coding as one of the things that you were talking about. 跟我说说这个吧. 你是基于硬件的转码器还是基于软件的转码器.

机会: 是的,我们是基于软件的转码器. 一年前,我们推出了HyperStream Live, which is essentially -- we believed we were a little early to the market. So we launched a pay-as-you-go solution that allowed people to test the solution. And we used the core fundamentals in core technology that we developed with Kulabyte and launched that as a software solution for transcoding. 再一次,我们是第一个将实时转码器推向市场的公司. 我们有三种类型的实时转码器, pay-as-you-go; two, managed services where Haivision will actually deploy the transcoders for you and manage them on your behalf; and three, actually license the software and spin it up in your own environment, which is very attractive to teleports or any organizations that are aggregating content or bringing content into a central location.

蒂姆: 有趣的. Anything else you want the audience who is going to be watching this to know?

机会: 是的. I think that Haivision’s been perceived as a behind-the-firewall encoding company. 我想如果你有机会来参观 www.haivision.com. Look at the Haivision Video Cloud and what we’ve recently deployed with our live transcoding solutions, 哪个是我们最先推向市场的. It’s got over a year of tried and true testing and some of the biggest brands in the market leverage our live transcoding engine. 然后再看看我们的VCMS, 这样你就能吸收你的资产了吗, 基于文件的转码, 资产管理, 但是一个非常灵活的工作流程也与之相关. It’s not a typical OVP that’s very tutorial where the one, two, three, four step. It actually gives you the ability to create an enterprise workflow inside the VCMS.

蒂姆: 不错的. 谢谢你今天的到来. 在流媒体上观看这个视频的人.com, you’ll actually find a brief write up of the interview as well.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The first commercial implementations of Haivision's HEVC encoding allied with the company's Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol, 是在新年到期的吗


梅森的机会, 海视网络媒体部执行副总裁, 他表示,创造有价值的用户体验将是2013年的重点.


认为云编码是一件苦差事? 再想想. With Haivision the process of generating and distributing multiple encodes is a breeze.
