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MUX: View from the Top 2020

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2020 Is the Year Internet Video Happened

It feels pretty safe to assume that this isn't the 2020 anyone hoped for or expected. When we decided to close our office in early March, the plan was initially just to play it safe for a couple of weeks. I don’t think many of us would have guessed we’d still be working from home in mid-July, 
with no end in sight.

Part of this new reality is that, although many of us spent an inordinate amount of time on the internet already, now everyone else is too. Not only are businesses needing to collaborate and be productive remotely, many of them for the first time, but all the other aspects of life need to continue as well in this new world. We’ve seen developers rushing to build out new platforms and grow existing ones to meet this new demand: people aren’t just looking to video for tv and movies, it’s now how we’re trying to maintain some kind of normalcy.

We’ve watched fitness and health delivery surge by as much as 162% as instructors and gyms try to keep serving their clients. E-learning, which should only continue to spike as more schools around the country are deciding to keep their doors closed for the fall, grew by more than 230%. Religious streams grew astronomically, jumping nearly 3 orders of magnitude. Outside of the obvious spikes, we’ve also seen quiet growth in live broadcasts that allow people to share life events with friends and family, from prom, to graduation, to funerals. Our goal at Mux is to democratize video, and although 2020 might not be the year we’d hoped for we’re proud to be powering the builders using the world’s most powerful medium to keep us all connected.

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