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根据 eMarketer的一份报告 U.S. 未来四年,数字广告支出将增长近50% U.S. revenue for ad-supported streaming platforms will triple between 2020 and 2026 to $31 billion as per 研究 and Markets. With the latest dynamic ad insertion (戴) technology service providers can de生活r ads to viewers based on criteria such as age, 性别, 地理位置, 社会经济地位.

定向广告的好处是多方面的. When viewers receive ads that are relevant and useful it enhances the streaming experience. 广告主看到他们的广告支出有了明显更好的回报. 此外, service providers can command better CPMs for ad inventory and improve the streaming experience, which increases subscriber viewing times and ultimately results in more ad inventory and additional ad dollars.


服务提供商有两种投放定向广告的方式. 客户端广告插入(CSAI)是传统的方法. With CSAI, service providers use an SDK plug-in on the client to play ads at the appropriate times. 服务器端广告插入(SSAI)是新的标准. 与SSAI, service providers can customize the video experience for each viewer by modifying the video manifest.

Both architectures must overcome challenges to create an immersive viewer experience. 时间是直播和线性内容的关键挑战. 对于实时和线性用例, 服务提供商只有几秒钟的时间来检测AD中断, 决定要插入哪些广告, 编码和摄取广告,然后执行必要的拼接. 另一个挑战是确保内容和广告之间的平稳过渡. 不能有任何故障或变化的质量检测到的观众.

帧精度是较难克服的挑战之一. 当框架是错误的, research shows that it negatively impacts the user experience and destroys the viewer recognition of the ad itself, 从广告商的角度来看,这种印象是无用的.

最后,广告必须与内容具有相同的质量. This requires encoding the ad using the same settings and preferably the same platform as what was used on the content.


CSAI体系结构具有相当的可伸缩性. 然而, 这种方法有难以克服的局限性, 这就是为什么大多数动态广告都转向了SSAI方法.

CSAI的SDK必须集成到每个播放目标广告的客户端. 考虑到当今丰富的联网电视生态系统, 流媒体设备, 和软件狗, 集成过程可能很复杂. 验证目标广告是否适用于所有设备也是一项挑战.

此外, ensuring a superior quality of experience is hard to do with the CSAI model. Service providers rely on the ad server to provide assets compatible with the video being played. 有时, the aspect ratio and video quality of the ads is different compared with the media content viewers are consuming. 最后,服务提供商需要应对广告拦截器. 在美国,大约27%的互联网用户使用广告拦截软件.S.

SSAI方法解决了许多这样的问题. The SSAI approach modifies the content manifest in a standard compliant way before final stream is de生活red. Ads are stitched into the content stream and de生活red to viewers from the same CDN. The ads themselves go through same preparation and quality assurance process to assure there is no content quality disparity. Since the stitching happens on the server side, transition glitches are nonexistent.

适当的内容准备, 对于每个AD插入,相对容易保证完美的帧精度. 因为清单修改是以符合标准的方式完成的, 每次插入都可以传递给几乎任何客户机. 唯一的整合印象报告, 它使用所有连接设备上支持的简单HTTP交互.

Furthermore, SSAI processes both content and ads via the same workflow, assuring consistent quality. 因为所有内容, 包括定向广告, 是通过CDN传递的, 广告屏蔽实际上是不可能的. One remaining challenge for service providers is how to effectively scale the targeted ad architecture to thousands or millions of concurrent viewers, 对于像体育直播这样的高价值内容来说,哪个才是关键.


By adopting a cloud-native video streaming workflow running in the public cloud, service providers can effectively scale targeted advertising during 生活 events. The cloud allows service providers to utilize the instant elasticity of compute power across their video streaming workflow. Elasticity enables service providers to scale to meet the demands of millions of concurrent viewers, each of whom are receiving ads targeted based on a specific set of demographics.

Having a cloud-based video streaming workflow simplifies integration within an otherwise complex ecosystem. The entire ad tech stack 生活s in the cloud, and many of the targeted advertising components (i.e.(AD服务器、用户数据平台)是云原生的. 当一切都存在于云端, targeted ad components can communicate flawlessly with parts of the video streaming workflow.

SSAI利用了IP视频传输固有的灵活性, allowing service providers to continue using content de生活ry networks to cache and serve video assets in the most efficient manner while relying on manifest manipulation technology in the cloud to scale and de生活r custom manifests to each viewer in real time.

讨厌的运动 is an example of a media company successfully de生活ring targeted advertising for 生活 sports programming at scale. 利用戴, SSAI和云技术, Bally体育每天要处理超过2.3亿份舱单.


定向广告可以用于各种视频流用例, 包括线性, 生活, VOD和时移电视. 最简单的方法就是部署预投放广告, 哪个播放直接在正在观看的内容之前. 不需要准备内容. Service providers only need to modify and prepend the manifest with the chosen ads before they are de生活red to each viewer.

Mid-roll or interstitial ads are the most effective type of ad for monetizing content. 它们可以很容易地与预卷广告配对. 该模型使用有关内容的信息, 比如章节中断, 确定放置广告的最小干扰点. 机器学习辅助工具使这项任务不像过去那样乏味.


成功投放动态目标广告, 服务提供者需要一个灵活的, 可扩展且可靠的基础架构. The cloud allows service providers to scale to meet the demands of millions of concurrent streams. 结合, 戴, SSAI and the cloud empower service providers to address all types of video consumption patterns to maximize ad inventory and reach. 谐波 is leading the charge in helping service providers de生活r targeted ads at scale with its VOS®360 cloud SaaS platform featuring SSAI and 戴 technologies.

[编者注:这是一篇来自 谐波. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


从战略上讲,流媒体传输需要更多的广告商. 广告是媒体商业模式的必要组成部分, but by not being nimble enough to attract more advertising and somehow sell digital the same way cable and broadcast are sold, 数字服务正在搬起石头砸自己的脚.


埃里克·卡森, Ateliere的首席收入官, writes about the importance of democratizing both content distribution and production around the world, along with the ways that Ateliere technology is helping to make content both widely available and accessible.


瞄准流媒体观众正变得越来越困难. Today, services are looking at understanding what viewers will buy, not their personal 信息. 以下是最近发表的一些报告的摘要.


OTT广告技术正处于十字路口, 随着品牌努力与消费者建立关系而不疏远他们. 以下是广告科技行业面临的一些最大问题, 以及一些可能的答案.


谐波导演, Playout Solutions Andy Warman explains the basics and benefits of server-side ad insertion in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.
