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在数字至上的消费主义时代, 娱乐和电子商务的融合一直是一个诱人的概念. 把我们的客厅变成购物橱窗, 可购物电视模糊了被动观看和主动参与之间的界限. 它允许观众在享受内容的同时非线性地与产品互动, 提供从钦佩到拥有的无缝过渡.

但是当我们朝着这个(r)进化时, 关于购物电视给我们生活带来的真正价值的问题出现了. Is it merely an enticing gimmick or a transformative tool that enhances our viewing experience and provides genuine consumer value?

让我们深入了解一下什么是“购物电视”, 它现在的面貌, the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in weaving together the fabrics of content and commerce within the sanctity of our living rooms.


Shoppable电视, 其核心是, is a marriage of convenience — the convergence of television content with the ease and immediacy of e-commerce. It's an experiential marketing venture that leverages the emotional appeal of content with the instant gratification of purchasing, intending to turn the viewer from a passive observer into an active participant in the consumer journey.

这种方法具有战略意义,而且令人信服. Unlike traditional commercials or product placements that create a need or desire and then route the consumer through a complex web of 平台 to make a purchase, 可购物电视的目标是消除杂乱. 它设想观众与他们在屏幕上看到的产品进行互动, 从化妆品到家居装饰, 从运动器材到美食厨具, 所有这些都是在他们正在观看的内容的背景下进行的, 最重要的是, 喜欢和购买之间的障碍更少.


As the landscape of consumer engagement evolves, strategic moves and investments from giants like 孔雀, 迪斯尼, Roku, 亚马逊 reveal their commitment to capturing and monetizing consumer attention in real-time through innovative purchasing channels. 就在上个月, 在国际消费电子展上, 迪士尼宣布推出Gateway Shop,' a new commerce-led format designed to link streaming content directly to the shopping cart. 在测试程序中, 迪士尼推出了首个原生流媒体购物广告格式, allowing consumers to purchase items via a personalized prompt without disrupting their viewing experience.

与此同时, NBC公布了他们的新广告形式, 允许用户购买出现在孔雀内容中的产品. These AI-enabled formats leverage an algorithm that identifies shoppable items and displays a QR code on the TV screen. However pioneering these formats may be, they still hinge on the action of scanning a QR code. It serves as a reminder of the existing challenges in achieving a frictionless purchasing experience.

另一方面, 平台 such as Roku are already armed with user data and payment 信息 and are leveraging this to further reduce purchasing friction. Roku宣布与 Shopify, that it can enable viewers to buy products directly from their TVs with the simple click of a button, 整合了Roku Pay,实现了顺畅的交易并立即返回到他们的流媒体. 当然,还有亚马逊. 亚马逊凭借Fire TV的凝聚力拥有独特的优势, 高质量的内容, 包括像《百家乐软件app最新版下载》这样的直播体育节目, 还有一个占主导地位的购物平台. 他们似乎在娱乐和电子商务的结合上处于有利地位.


虽然这段旅程不可否认是令人兴奋的,但它也带来了相当多的挑战. The seamless integration of e-commerce on CTV without disrupting the viewer's experience poses both technical and creative hurdles. 在讲故事和推销之间取得完美平衡需要技巧, 因为任何失误都可能破坏信任和接触.

显然,一刀切的解决方案是不够的. 一个微妙的, context-specific approach tailored to user interactions with content and diverse purchasing behaviors is what we will likely see. 请考虑以下场景:

首先, there is a substantial market for impulse purchases that capture the viewer's immediate desire. 想象一下为你最喜欢的球队庆祝 NBA championship win, feeling the impulse to own a championship hat or t-shirt as you watch the players. The ability to buy the item instantly through the screen caters perfectly to this spontaneous buyer behavior.

相反,并非所有观众与产品的互动都需要立即采取行动. For items that don't trigger an instant "must-have" response or decisions requiring contemplation, 另一种方法是必要的. 对于这种有意购买, options like bookmarking items for later or adding them to a virtual shopping basket can enhance the user experience, respecting the viewer's need to ponder their choices while keeping track of items of interest.

还有更多. Finding the right approach between convenience and critical concerns surrounding user privacy and payment security is paramount. 让我们花点时间考虑一下在这种情况下密码共享的含义. 广告有可能变成一集“这到底是谁的账户”?或者无意中给朋友送礼物的可能性, 强调需要加强用户档案, 实现健壮的支付安全协议, 并保持观赏和购物生态系统的完整性.

如果执行得当,购物电视有巨大的潜力为我们的生活增加价值. 在舒适的沙发上无缝购物的能力, 和我们最喜欢的节目同步, 一个能使购物真正成为娱乐的延伸的命题吗. 这样可以节省时间, 迎合冲动消费, 甚至可能向观众介绍他们并不知道自己想要的产品.

然而,, 探索式购物的诱惑, 比较产品和价格的乐趣, 而且,在规定范围之外做出决定的机构也不容忽视. The preference for traditional browsing versus curated suggestions is an engagement that 平台 will need to balance carefully if shoppable TV is to become a mainstream behavior.


流媒体组织, 平台, technology providers face a daunting challenge ahead as they strive to create an engaging user experience and establish a comprehensive ecosystem. This involves the development of technologies that seamlessly identify and facilitate product purchases, 安全的支付网关, a backend infrastructure that effectively integrates transactional data with viewership metrics for a holistic understanding and informed decision-making.

尽管购物电视仍处于早期阶段, 正在进行的实验正在为其潜在的巨大优势铺平道路. The upcoming years will be pivotal in establishing norms and standards that will shape the future of television commerce. Striking a balance between the urgency to innovate and the necessity to uphold consumer privacy while delivering genuine value is crucial. The evolution of shoppable TV from a novelty to a necessity can only occur by aligning the objectives of content 创造者 with the needs of consumers and the capabilities of technology.

(r)进化确实会被直播, 但是对于数字产品所有者来说, 创造者, 和创新者, 旅程才刚刚开始.

[编者注:这是来自 UIC数字. 流媒体接受供应商署名 仅仅基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Virtual Product Placement (VPP) is an excellent new type of CTV and streaming ad placement. Stephan贝灵哲酒庄, miriad的首席执行官, 讨论了广告商应该遵循的最佳实践,以使其发挥良好的作用.

What’s Next for Streaming: The Union of Content, Advertising, Interactive Experiences

Raman Abrol of Vubiquity and Amdocs discusses the next stages for streaming: the union of content, 广告, 互动体验.

As CTV Further Evolves for Both Consumers and Advertisers, Here are 3 Trends to Watch for in 2024

Gijsbert Pols,互联电视总监 & 新调整频道,概述了2024年值得关注的三个关键CTV趋势.


现代电视广告正处于成长期. Advertisers face new challenges as the landscape shifts from broadcast and cable to a new world of AVOD and FAST. Waymark的Asrah Mohammed讨论了情境定位, 这一策略可以帮助我们驾驭这一新局面.