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ISPs, Mobile operators and other service providers are keen to get into delivering television. As an added value service it has the potential to increase revenues significantly, while ensuring a higher subscriber retention because it gets hard to leave when the service you provide adds more value.

The problem with offering a television service is the actual television. 内容从何而来? 如何协商多个许可协议? 这要花我多少钱? 我需要聘请专业人员吗? 好消息是 MwareTV 管理这一切——制作电视确实很简单.

传统上, licensing content and building channels is an expensive and time-consuming set of tasks, calling for specialist skills that network providers often do not have. There is also the strong probability that you would end up with a set of services which have no brand identification for the audience. They really want to watch the channels they know and love: to win their subscriptions that is what you have to offer.

MwareTV is a dynamic business that provides all you need to set up a rich streaming service. All the technology is hosted in the cloud, and intuitive user interfaces make it simple to operate. It is a low cost route to building and establishing an attractive service. 只要你有内容.


MwareTV has formed a partnership with a major US content provider. It means users have access to more than 200 national and regional channels, including all the well-known names that audiences look for.

Most important, all the licensing and fees are organised in a single contract. 比如MwareTV的技术, 费用是根据订阅者的数量而定的, 因此,成本只会随着收入的增加而增加, 让它更容易开始并且负担得起, 然后随着你的成长而付费.

It eliminates the need for specialist negotiations, in an unfamiliar field. 这反过来又节省了大量时间, because you have just the one contract to finalise and agree, 无论是技术还是内容. 因为MwareTV拥有一切, 你可以完全量身定做, 全品牌化服务, 完整的全面和吸引人的内容, 几周后就能上线了.

这是一个非常快的上市时间. You can concentrate on adding the television service to existing users and bringing in new subscribers, 提高收入和留存率.


The ability to bundle functionality and content in a single contract is a very compelling reason to consider MwareTV. 理解这一点很重要, 通过选择公司, 你不能在这条线上的任何地方妥协. 事实上, the technology offering from MwareTV is cutting edge.

这是一把交钥匙, IPTV和OTT综合解决方案, 涵盖所有核心服务所需的所有内容. 包括内容存储, 资产管理, 计划和调度, 广告插入, 输出流. 这些都是云托管的, 所以不需要在硬件上投资, 也不需要分配任何空间.

To access the content, subscribers need players which work on the devices they provide. The MwareTV platform includes white label apps for iOS, 安卓, 苹果电视, FireTV, Roku, 以及三星和LG的智能电视, 还有网络玩家. These can be quickly branded to reflect your corporate look and feel.

Customizable Interfaces with little experience required

There is also unique and very innovative AppBuilder software, which empowers users to create and tailor interfaces without the need to know any coding. Either way, you get subscriber experiences which completely match the enterprise look and feel.

访问所有这些函数, 以及服务的日常运行, is through intuitive user interfaces hosted in HTML5 browsers. All of the hardware and processing happens in the cloud, so users with the right credentials can log in from any location to manage the service: remote working is inherently built in.

Because you need no hardware to provide the service, there is no need for engineering effort. 你需要有人来计划日程, 还有商业销售,如果你做广告的话, but because the operational user interfaces are so intuitive you do not need specialist staff or extended training.

MwareTV and its cloud provider combine to ensure that it operates as a true software-as-a-service, where costs are directly linked to operations which are directly linked to revenues. Users can establish a system with a nominal investment, and see operational costs only 成长 as subscriber numbers, 因此收入, 成长. 事实上, part of our sales process is to work through a business case calculator with potential users, so they can see before signing any contract what the revenue and profit potentials are.


无论企业的性质如何, the goal is always the same: to provide an attractive, engaging television service to the subscriber that will keep them happy and reluctant to churn. MwareTV解决方案做到了这一切, while shielding the operator from both technical and legal complications. 

The proposition is completely flexible so users can take as much or as little as they need. Everything is cloud hosted, so there are no engineering or physical space constraints. The system is completely secure through the cloud’s own procedures, together with a secure log-in and permissions framework for operators.

A range of content can also be included, in the form of a very large number of live channels. The material can be securely protected by implementing a digital rights manager like Irdeto, 哪个与核心软件无缝集成.

Significant revenues are readily realised – and all achieved with one negotiation and one contract.



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