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总部位于伦敦的启动 iSize技术 is launching an AI-powered encoding platform which it claims boosts bitrate savings by 70% versus virtually any other codec solution. 

新闻2该公司表示,它已经“广泛测试”了正在申请专利的SaaS, 叫BitSave, and further claims it will make encoding up to 500% faster than competing cloud encoding solutions. 

The company claims BitSave is the industry’s first proprietary machine learning (ML) solution for "substantial bitrate or quality gains in video compression particularly for video encoding on 'resource-constrained' devices" (drones, action-cams, 智能手机, 提到).

它是编解码器独立,因此将与AVC/H工作.264年,HEVC / H.265和VP9. 该平台的当前可用版本提供了H.264/AVC编码,其他编码器即将推出. 


“先进的机器学习现在开始颠覆内容交付, and we believe we are the right team to allow for such advanced technologies to enter the market in a manner that is backward compatible to existing video encoding and transport standards,iSize技术首席执行官塞尔吉奥·格雷斯说. “BitSave通过提供容量来解决高比特率质量问题, 表演, and know-how to cost-effectively deliver a high-quality experience for both VOD and live streaming customers."

While it has not been benchmarked against the machine learning capabilities at the core of V-Nova’s Perseus Pro codec (which drives V-Nova’s P.双UHD/8HD视频编码器和解码器), iSize is targeting BitSave at the exact same territory of MPEG-5 Part 2 Low Complexity Enhancement Video Codec (LCEVC). 这种编解码器无关的增强据称可以改善压缩, 或者给定比特率下的视频质量, 同时减少处理能力消耗,并基于珀尔修斯专业版.

未来的编码标准, like the ongoing VCEG/MPEG JVET standardization to create the next generation codec that will replace HEVC, will undertake a lengthy development process that will typically culminate in 30%-40% bitrate saving for the same visual quality,格蕾丝解释道。. “然而, the expected timeline for delivery of the first working codecs for MPEG’s JVET current standardization is scheduled for after 2023—at the same time, HEVC标准至今仍未大规模推广."

另一方面, current machine learning solutions like Magic Pony (owned by Twitter) and Wave One offer disruptive 表演 for still-image coding.

"Such solutions face substantial barriers when moved to video due to the unresolved challenge of incorporating temporal prediction and their deployment complexity,格雷斯说。.


Its improvements are achieved by incorporating a proprietary downscaling-upscaling technology as a pre- and post-processing stage of a standard codec pipeline. 

Instead of abandoning the existing codec pipeline (as proposed by autoencoding solutions, 如《百家乐app下载》), iSize’s encoder-side solution downscales the input content with a custom-designed filter. The iSize decoder-side solution upscales the decoded low-resolution video to obtain the final result. 

It says it has measured video quality via industry-standard metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, and VMAF.

"Our IP offers 20% to 40% rate saving or quality improvement (2-4dB of PSNR) over AVC/H.264 and HEVC at marginal complexity increase for the decoder and complexity reduction for the encoder,格雷斯说。. “不像这个领域的其他机器学习, our solution is deployable today and can be used on top of any standards-compliant or proprietary video codec architecture with minimal increase in complexity."

事实上, iSize goes further and suggest that operators with existing HEVC encoders will find efficiencies boosted by up to 70 percent using its technology. iSize表示,它有数据来证明这一点.

It further claims to offer "the most competitive and simplest encoding pricing model" in the market. 收费0英镑.01 + VAT per minute of content encoding (audio included) for all resolutions up to 4K "50% cheaper than existing solutions at enhanced resolutions."

例如,以5000Kbps和3000Kbps编码的10分钟高清视频片段.264/AVC的价格为0英镑.20 +增值税. 

“我们已经调整了我们的编码, 选择比特率值时, the provided video quality will correspond to the visual quality of well-known video encoding services at that bitrate,格雷斯解释道. “然而, 在绝大多数情况下, 我们的实际比特率将比该值低20%到80%, 因此,在不影响视觉质量的情况下提供这种节省, in many cases our visual quality will be even higher than that of the other services that do not offer such savings across the range of bitrates."

iSize表示,它正在与视频点播公司试用和测试BitSave, 流媒体和广播,并与 CosmoCDN, a CDN provider currently piloting in several regions of Africa to demonstrate its impact.

在工作流中与CosmoCDN集成, iSize receives the VOD content as well as live feed (utilising SRT) and transcodes it using the iSize engine. VOD ABR内容被发送到CosmoCDN的存储Origin, 而实时消息则直接发送到CDN的边缘服务器.

CosmoCDN streams the content to end users, at the same time caching it in the SSD drives. Customers receive an embedded URL from iSize that includes the player and the CosmoCDN streaming URL. 此代码可用于CMS,如WordPress、Drupal等.

另外, 有一个tokenised插件,它生成一个令牌,允许观看内容, 这样只有经过授权的用户才能使用该服务.

这家初创公司由一个五人团队组成,拥有视频信号处理方面的博士学位, ML, 先进的网络系统.

Grce holds an MSc from London’s Cass Business School and previously worked in investment banking.

Technical director Yiannis Andreopoulos (who is also Professor in Data and Signal Processing Systems at University College London) counts 17 years of experience in video coding with more than 150 research papers, 三项专利申请, 以及对JPEG/MPEG标准的十项贡献.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


促进对AI编解码器发展的认识, Deep Render的CTO和联合创始人, Arsalan征服者, has launched an educational resource titled "Foundations of AI-Based Codec Development: An Introductory Course.在最近接受《百家乐软件app最新版下载》采访时, Zafar提供了对课程内容的见解, 目标受众, 以及预期结果.


Sergio Grce讨论了BitClear,一种基于人工智能的去噪技术.


Mozilla Senior 研究 Engineer Nathan Egge discusses the value of enabling new use cases in determining whether to pursue a multi-codec strategy in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 East 2019.


今天, Vimeo宣布它现在支持AV1编解码器, which it believes will let it deliver videos with a low bitrate and high visual quality.


分散的, frustrating future of HEVC licensing dominated discussion at the Media Coding Industry Forum's recent meeting, 试图影响即将到来的多功能视频编解码器的授权.

New Codecs Are Coming; Here's How to Evaluate Codec Evaluations

当比较不同编解码器创建的视频质量时, 考虑一下进行比较的公司和他们提供的指标.
