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StreamGuys Replicates One-To-Many Broadcast Model for Single-Source Streaming

Broadcast-savvy streaming media company expands native support of mobile devices through its evolving multi-platform delivery service


StreamGuys公司., 流媒体和内容交付提供商, has evolved its streaming platform to support single-source audio and video streaming to multiple targets, 包括桌面, 笔记本电脑和移动设备.  The company is leaning on its broadcast experience and knowledge of the cellular network to ensure that its clients can maintain connection with their audiences at home, 无论是在办公室还是在旅途中, while also offering valuable audience measurement techniques and services.


"Streaming to mobile comprised more than half of our customer requests in 2010,乔纳森·斯皮尔说, StreamGuys首席运营官.  "The proliferation of mobile devices is changing how streaming media is consumed, 和广播公司, 例如, are increasingly working with streaming providers and content delivery networks to reach audiences on the move.  StreamGuys is uniquely positioned to help service providers deliver a single programming source to multiple mobile platforms through native support of iPhone, iPad, 安卓, 黑莓, Windows和Symbian设备."


StreamGuys is well-known in the radio broadcast and streaming audio space for its ability to push a single source of audio, 例如高质量的AAC/HE-AAC流, to all of the major mobile phones and Flash players for desktops and laptops.  The company often works with app developers to provide value add-ons such as password protection and functionalities that integrate with the streaming application.


The company's ability to push a single source of high-quality H.264 video to the aforementioned mobile devices - as well as to Flash and other desktop/laptop players - means that StreamGuys can packetize unique video streams and natively support all of these targets in a multi-platform delivery service.  要做到这一点, StreamGuys supports the specific protocols for each device:  RTSP for 黑莓, 安卓, Windows and Symbian; RTMP for Flash; and HTTP for 苹果 devices. 


The company can also support multi-bitrate streaming to 苹果 iOS devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad) and Flash Player 10.1.  Both of these targets can continuously monitor network conditions to choose the most appropriate stream based on available bandwidth.  Additional redundancy for 苹果 iOS devices is provided through audio-only versions of video streams in compliance with the 苹果 iOS app store requirement of a 64kbps fallback stream.


StreamGuys also has a wealth of experience working with broadcasters at the encoding point, offering advice on parameters such as codec choice and video frame size to provide the best possible source signal.  此外, the company offers a valuable metrics service to track usage of mobile-specific streams per device.  The StreamGuys SGMon concurrency monitoring and SG报告 log processing services allow broadcasters and service providers to view separate graphical statistics on the number of concurrent listeners using 安卓, 苹果, 黑莓和其他移动设备.


Speaker added that the company stays ahead of the curve on technical requirements and best-practice techniques to better support broadcasters and service providers streaming to smart phones and mobile devices.  他认为,“重新包装”单H的能力.264 video sources into specific protocols to natively support such devices, 以及AAC/HE-AAC音频源, gives broadcasters and service providers a strong service offering with a potential return on investment. 


"The goal for these broadcasters is to provide a high-quality experience for mobile audiences while controlling bandwidth costs, with the potential to eventually monetize at least a portion of these streams,发言人说。.  "StreamGuys is best equipped to help broadcasters anticipate and adapt to the rapid changes in the streaming media world through a knowledgeable staff, 可扩展的技术和灵活的服务, 除了为移动平台提供原生支持之外."  



自2000年开始营业,StreamGuys公司. offers a variety of streaming media solutions and tools enabling superior quality delivery and monetization of digital media. 通过虔诚的奉献来改善客户体验, StreamGuys has enjoyed continued success across all sectors of Internet broadcasting. 总部位于加州北部, 他们目前为全球500多家客户提供服务, 包括思科这样的公司, 美国中央情报局, CNET, 美国国家航空航天局, New Balance和WNYC等广播公司, kq, WXPN和Clear Channel.  访问www.streamguys.以获取更多有关其产品和服务的信息.

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StreamGuys公司 - info@streamguys.Com - WWW.streamguys.Com - 707.667.9479

P.O. 加利福尼亚州阿卡塔828号信箱95518 -传真707.516.0009