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Xstream partners with Cedexis

OTT Platform provider, Xstream宣布与CDN负载平衡专家Cedexis合作.

London, United Kingdom & Copenhagen, Denmark(28 Apr 2015)

Xstream, OTT和TV Everywhere服务的优质提供商,以及屡获殊荣的视频管理系统供应商, Xstream MediaMaker™ and Cedexis, a global expert in multi-cloud engineering, 今天宣布他们将建立战略合作伙伴关系. Cedexis technology will be implemented by Xstream 并为客户提供更好的可用性, 通过实时Multi-CDN动态切换实现性能和控制, 同时降低平台TCO.

将Cedexis技术整合到Xstream的视频管理系统中, Xstream MediaMaker™, 将使运营商和广播公司能够实时收集多个cdn的关键性能指标. These include performance, 成本和跨平台可用性(cdn), Clouds, Data-Centres). 然后,每个客户可以根据其首选的服务质量和体验质量策略来调整原始服务器的活动. 这一整合将使运营商摆脱使用单一网络的限制, 并增加其内容的可用性,并减少由单个CDN延迟引起的延迟.

“拥有多cdn战略应该是视频公司的主要目标,他们试图达到更高的可用性,更好地抵抗流量高峰和网络中断, both for local and wider markets. Entering in a partnership with Xstream is a milestone for The Buffer Killer, Cedexis在在线视频领域的负载均衡解决方案, 这是一个很好的交通能见度来源, availability and performance,” stands Julien Coulon, Cedexis’s co-founder. “81%的互联网用户会在流媒体被切断时停止观看视频. 拥有在多个cdn之间实时移动终端用户的能力,将为Xstream的观看者带来更少的重新缓冲时间和视频开始时间, greater audience and longer viewing.”

“客户的成功就是我们的成功,因此我们很高兴能与客户合作 CedexisXstream全球联盟总监Morten Soeger说. “我们的目标是站在技术解决方案的最前沿,使我们的客户能够提供一致的解决方案, 卓越的用户体验,在当今复杂的互联网景观-与越来越多的在线内容, 越来越多的设备和众多的全球网络. 集成的Cedexis Openmix将每个终端用户实时发送到最佳平台, based on multiple criteria such as; CDN, Cloud, 最终用户体验到的服务器性能, minimize platform TCO, Geographies and configurations, 3rd party internal tool already in use”.

About Xstream (www.xstream.net)

自1999年以来,Xstream一直是OTT和TV Everywhere的先驱. Drawing on their extensive experience, Xstream works with world-leading Telco’s, cable operators and MSOs. Xstream deliver simpler, 更智能的OTT/TVE解决方案具有卓越的灵活性, usability, scalability and cost-efficiency. Xstream的全面和可扩展的在线端到端视频管理解决方案, Xstream MediaMaker™, offers numerous key modules such as MediaMaker Loading Dock; a cutting-edge content supply chain management tool designed to solve all the complex challenges in the content supply chain MediaMaker Store; maximise monetisation with multi-domain segmentation, smart merchandising and advanced analytics and MediaMaker Play; wow your viewer with personalised experiences and clever customisation apllications on any device

Xstream works with a wide range of customers such as; Fuhu/Nabi tablet, Pathé, Canal Digital, SBS Discovery, Telenor, Altibox and Spark New Zealand.

Xstream is headquartered from Copenhagen, Denmark and has offices in San Francisco, Warsaw, Sydney and Singapore.

About Cedexis (www.cedexis.com)

Founded in 2009, Cedexis监测和优化基于云的Web和移动应用程序的性能. 这使得Cedexis的客户能够改善他们的用户体验, and achieve 100% availability, 同时将触角伸向新的全球市场. With Cedexis Radar, enterprises gain unprecedented, 实时了解云性能如何影响其Web和移动应用程序的真实用户体验, 以便对他们的基础设施提供商做出明智的决定. Cedexis Openmix leverages Radar insight, 以及来自第三方的实时数据集, 在混合云之间提供自动化和优化的流量负载平衡, data centers and CDN topologies. 这允许客户将最佳性能百家乐软件与实时需求相匹配. Cedexis is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and Paris, France with offices in San Francisco, CA, Chicago, IL and London, UK.