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Adobe Prelude: A Symphony of Pre-Event Options

Adobe的摄取和简单的转码工具不会让你摆脱记录的任务, but for those who are staying within an Adobe-only environment, the features of Prelude will make your editing, compositing, 或者甚至现场生产剪辑创建工作流程相当容易.

当涉及到摄取和记录捕获的内容,以便在现场制作中用作预录制的剪辑或在非线性编辑(NLE)环境中进行精细编辑时, 几乎每个人都同意,这不是一个人自愿从事的那种工作. Slogging through tapes or a myriad of file-based raw clips, 用镜头的细节标记每个人,然后将元数据从日志系统中取出,放入编辑或现场制作工作流中,这不是简单的任务.

With the advent of the Adobe Creative Suite 6 Production Premium, 上周宣布,并在本周的全国广播协会(NAB)节目中展出。, the company has introduced Prelude as a complementary product. 序曲的目的是导致更大的合成努力的Adobe Premiere Pro和Adobe After Effects, 但事实证明,它是一个摄取-记录-转码工具,也兼作粗切编辑器.

Prelude中简单功能的组合允许附加应用程序既降低了摄取内容的痛点,又缩短了对Adobe Media Encoder进行简单转码工作的需求.

我们花了一些时间在Prelude上,作为Adobe测试版的一部分, 我想分享一些能让制作人生活得更轻松的关键功能.

Interface Workflow Enhancements

Adobe has been moving toward a unified interface look-and-feel, with context-sensitive layouts that match the desired workflow (Figure 1, below). Prelude is no different: the three workflow layouts—ingest, logging, 粗糙的切割是由列表视图和添加自定义工作流界面布局的能力补充的. Prelude甚至共享了Premiere用户已经习惯的深灰色界面.

Adobe Prelude
Prelude workflow layouts

Ingest Options (Including Transcoding)

启动Prelude项目类似于在adobecreativesuite应用程序中启动任何新项目, 但最快的方法是从文件菜单中选择摄取(Figure 2, below). On the Mac, 击键与将普通文本更改为斜体相同, so be careful to remember which program you're in.

Adobe Prelude
Choosing Ingest from the File menu

Once you've chosen Ingest, 将出现一个对话框窗口,其中包含您将要摄取的内容的许多选项. The first option is to select some, Prelude呈现的所有片段都可以被摄取(Figure 3, below) followed by an option to transfer clips to a destination.

Adobe Prelude
Choosing clips

将剪辑传输到目的地的能力很重要,也很独特,原因有两个:首先, most logging systems don't actually manipulate the content, 但Prelude能够进行粗切和元数据包含,这意味着将剪辑从远程服务器移动到日志工作站是最佳实践, 如果只是为了节省处理和呈现阶段的时间(Figure 4, below).

Adobe Prelude
Tranfer options

Second, 也许对流媒体和百家乐软件app最新版下载的读者来说更重要, is Prelude's ability to transcode content. As shown in Figure 4 (above), the number of transcode formats is impressive, 在任何可用的转码格式中,设备特定选项的数量也是如此(Figure 5, below). Our screen capture shows that within H.264 encoding, for instance, 有很多保存到Android或ios设备的选择, 如此之多,以至于我们无法在一个屏幕截图中捕捉到整个范围.

Adobe Prelude
H.264 transcode options in Prelude

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