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几乎生活从NAB: Matrox君主HDX

这是NAB 2015的采访, 肖恩林和Matrox的Dan Maloney讨论了Monarch HDX, which ships in June and builds on the success of the 君主高清流媒体和录音设备s by adding more flexibility in the 2 existing encoders, 并增加了第三个编码器预览.

流媒体 Producer contributing editor 肖恩林 spoke with Matrox marketing manager in the Matrox booth at NAB regarding the matrix Monarch HDX, 流行的继承者 君主高清流媒体和录音设备在2013年获得了NAB最佳流媒体奖. "The Monarch HD really resonated with the enterprise class of customer,马洛尼说. 其中包括礼拜场所、政府机构和教育机构."

With the Monarch HDX, Maloney continued, Matrox has added "flexibility. It has two encoders like the Monarch HD, but each encoder can be used for streaming or encoding. Monarch HD有一个用于流媒体和一个用于编码的编码器. HDX允许两个编码器被铸造为用户认为合适的.例如:, 如果用户想使用两个编码器进行记录, 他解释说, 他们可以指定一个记录到网络, 还有一个是本地录制的. "In the event that the 网work goes down, you'll have a copy of what you recorded locally. 您是否需要以高比特率记录, 说, 25Mbps用于编辑, you could have a proxy recording at a much-lower 3Mbps to ensure you can distribute the raw footage to viewers without them having to download the high quality 25Mbps file.

“在流媒体方面,马宏升继续说道。, "you can use both of those encoders to stream to primary and backup servers... If the primary server goes down, your second encoder is sending the stream to the secondary server. 你的观众永远不会错过任何一个节拍. Alternatively, you can use those two encoders to encode at different bitrates... 说, one that's suitable for 网work availability with wired connections, 在说, 5 mbps高清, and maybe you'd encode another one at sub-1Mbps for some type of 3G or 4G distribution."

The Monarch HDX also includes a third encoder, designed to be used for input preview. "If you to ensure that the signal is good and that your encoder is ready to go,马洛尼说, "you can use the third encoder and embed the preview right into our web UI, 或者在任何可以解码RTSP信号的设备上查看它, 比如任何笔记本电脑上的VLC播放器."

Other key features of the Monarch HDX include selectable HDMI and SDI inputs and simultaneous outputs, 使用web UI远程控制设备的能力, 以及选择和设置录制和流媒体预设的能力. Monarch Matrox HDX将于2015年6月上市,建议零售价为1995美元.

The Matrox Monarch LCS is an inexpensive 双输入 lecture capture solution with two output channels that can be independently set for recording and/or streaming.
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H.264 encoder helps athletics department live stream and record sports for families, fans and coaches
Dr. Sarju Ralhan and his surgical team at Hero DMC Heart Institute in Ludhiana, India are promoting a new surgical method using a streaming and recording workflow built around the Monarch HDX
新闻专业学生, sports teams deliver frequent live webcasts using Monarch HD for encoding and archiving
Monarch HDX的特点很好, 易于使用, 价格合理, 并生产出质量非常好的产品. Those seeking a dual-channel hardware encoder should definitely include the product on their short list.
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