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How to Best Evaluate Prospective Webcast Clients

Robert Reinhardt of VideoRx outlines essential steps for evaluating prospective webcast clients, 例如确定高价值的rfp, 获得明确的客户期望, 评估利益相关者, and identifying technology solution providers

The best way to properly evaluate prospective webcast clients is to develop coherent criteria based on a few essential considerations. Robert Reinhardt,首席技术官 VideoRx, outlines the systematic ways he considers prospective webcast clients.

The first basic action to take is to filter out prospective clients who are searching for too much of a bargain. “很明显, if they're looking for someone to provide services at a super low rate, it's probably not even worth contacting them,莱因哈特说. 除此之外, once a worthwhile proposal has been identified, the next important step is to determine the stakeholders and product owners clearly.

“You don't want someone showing up at the last minute or day of [the event] who is going to want to make changes to the whole scenario,莱因哈特说. “It’s very much what I’d say is ‘discovery 101’ – identifying who the vendors are.例如:, he notes that he is often not providing audio services, which may be contracted out to technology solution providers such as 再来一个. “他们将负责制作音频, and it's my responsibility to make sure I'm working with them to get the audio feed into the live webcast,他说.

The next step is determining who is responsible for the content displayed in the live stream (such as video clips and PowerPoint presentations). “If I'm going to be responsible for driving content in the live stream, I want to ensure it's tested thoroughly ahead of time,莱因哈特说. It is also important to set reasonable deadlines, even for last-minute changes. It is essential to test out any new changes as thoroughly as possible. 否则, 他说, “You're introducing a potential problem–maybe a font, 或者链接图形, 它不会出现.”

It is also important to review samples of any past live events that a client has conducted if they are available. This helps establish both the client’s knowledge and expectations. Making sure to frame the budget as clearly as possible (such as fixed and variable costs) further sets the groundwork for a client for realistic service delivery. An optimal way to determine all of this information is to do a detailed survey for the client to complete.

Reinhardt提供了一个例子 调查形式 VideoRx使用的 调查猴子. He says that the VideoRx survey is detailed, branching, and conditional. The goal is to check off as many boxes as possible. Some clients will not understand webcasting basics, 例如数字版权管理(DRM), and Reinhardt encourages patience with this. “Educating your client is a big part of getting into webcasting or any other services that you're going to be offering your client,他说, and even if the client fails to do a survey, Reinhardt emphasizes that it’s important to go over the essentials with them on the phone or a Zoom call.  

了解更多关于网络广播的信息 流媒体西部2022.

完整的视频 来自流媒体东部2022.

"Traditional" webcasting services like Wowza and AWS Cloud, 虽然强大可靠, often came with expensive usage costs and longterm commitments that made it difficult for newer webcasters still gaining a foothold in the industry. Newer services like Mux and Pushr offer more flexible pay-as-you-go arrangements with less expensive transcoding, DVR, and storage costs that make them more accessible to newer webcasters, as Robert Reinhardt explains in this clip 来自流媒体东部2022.