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即使有这些令人瞠目结舌的数据, 关于视频的投资回报率的问题仍然不可避免地出现. 考虑到这一点, I want to share some ideas and experiences that can further help marketers, 出版商, and creators expand the reach of everything company online videos can accomplish.

The human brain is shown to process video 60,000 times faster than text. “What once seemed like an add-on has become so integral to standard marketing that you simply aren’t competitive without it,根据… Brightcove是在线视频平台中的重要参与者.

Producing online videos as a part of a digital strategy has excited marketers for over a decade. Online video campaign growth and success for brands have continued to provide impressive results for 出版商 across the board.

即使有这些令人瞠目结舌的数据, 关于视频的投资回报率的问题仍然不可避免地出现. 考虑到这一点, I want to share some ideas and experiences that can further help marketers, 出版商, and creators expand the reach of everything company online videos can accomplish.

这些建议来自于经营一家提供全方位服务的视频代理公司(www.clearonlinevideo.Com),多年来参与了数百个视频活动. The main takeaway is to approach a video project as being the spine of a content strategy. A video is a central piece that will connect and span out to other parts of a campaign.


视频有时很复杂. 首先,有一个视频的想法或主题. Then, there is the whole production side of it, including scripting, shooting, and editing. 这对于一个团队来说就足够了.

然而, 当这个过程正在进行时, 有很多方法可以为视频做宣传.

多年来, audiences have wanted to connect on a deeper level with the brands and companies they interact with. Sharing behind-the-scenes content from creating a video is a great way to pull back the curtain and forge a connection with your audience.

有几种方法可以做到这一点. One way is to utilize the story feature offered by many social media channels, 比如Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, 和LinkedIn. 通常, 故事很短, mobile-only videos/photos that allow you to connect with your audience more casually, 忙碌中.

This style of content can be captured quickly from a smartphone and is shared with the platforms mentioned above. 在大多数情况下, 故事过了一段时间就消失了, which encourages audiences to pay close attention to your content (下面的图1).

图1. 创建炒作

我们分享了制作会议的照片或快速视频, 卖弄风骚的, 故事板, and have even captured quick sound bites with video subjects or talent on what to expect in the video.

The production day itself offers countless opportunities to capture visual content. The chances are that a lot of budgets have gone into a video production day, 所以为什么不让你的钱得到最大的回报呢?

Marketers can take behind-the-scenes photos of the cameras, lights, etc. 设置拍摄可以创造一个有趣的时间间隔, hyper-lapse, 360度的视频, 甚至是慢动作风格的视频. These are all fun ways to share what your brand is doing, without giving away too much. (下面的图2).

图2. 分享你的品牌正在做什么

对于那些不使用社交媒体的公司, these ideas can be applied to various company channels like blog posts and email marketing. No matter the destination, the content needs to be tailored to work on said platform. The vital thing to keep in mind is that the build-up to creating a video can lead to ample opportunities to connect with your audience, 在视频发布之前.


Thinking back to the production day, a lot of time and effort has gone into it. Repurposing the content for other platforms is a great way to extend the reach for a project.

One of my favorite ways to do this is to turn videos into podcasts. Although podcasts have been around for over a decade, the format has had a resurgence post-2015. 超过一半的美国人都听过播客, 根据尼尔森和爱迪生的研究.musicoomph.com/podcast-statistics/).

商业和健康是最受欢迎的播客类型. Podcasts and videos have come to a symbiotic crossroads where both formats can boost each other. 视频可以吸引我们这个高度视觉驱动的社会, while audio (podcasts) can attract a different set of audience members through dialogue. 播客也更容易在旅途中收听, 离线收听, 在各种各样的汽车通勤中都能听到, 火车, 或者飞机(下面的图3).


图3. 播客是重新定义你的内容的一种有效方法.

By now, most marketers understand the importance of online video to successful content strategy. Yet, many brands creating online videos may not see the results they expected. 那么你如何解决你的下一个活动? Here are the five most common issues our agency sees working with video 出版商.
Video viewers spend plenty of time watching online videos and are hungry for more content in every part of the conversion process. Here are three ways to target specific audiences by creating niche content.
随着您的在线视频内容库的增长, 将正确的视频传递给正确的人是至关重要的. 带着这个目标, here are five tips and best practices to follow when placing videos on your company website and relevant pages.