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videoRx CTO 罗伯特•莱因哈特 outlines best practices for choosing and testing players and targets for client streams in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

Watch the complete presentation from 流媒体 East Connect, 如何优化您的直播工作流 在 流媒体YouTube频道.

了解更多关于直播的摄取和分发 流媒体西部2020.


罗伯特•莱因哈特: 播放器设置. 你要确保所有目标都能正常工作. This is also something that stakeholders and product owners don't fully understand: Where do you want your stream to play? Especially if it's 在ir own webpage, what are the targets that they expect it to work on? 你可能需要在这方面指导他们. 你想支持多老的Android设备? How old of an iPhone device do you want to support, and so forth? 显然,我们不能用HEVC把所有东西都推出去, 从分布的角度来看, 因为会有一些玩家无法接受这一点. So, 确保你把这些东西重新排列好, just make sure that everything is working with playback during the day prior and the day of. I always like to keep a reference player open when I'm streaming, 虽然这会占用你的带宽.

If I'm watching the same livestream that I'm pushing out--Chris Allen was demonstrating that in his Red5 latency test. It's a great idea to have that available so that you see what other people are seeing. Oftentimes I'll have my iPad or iPhone set up playing the stream, so that I can see what's going on in the live broadcast as if I were a participant. 所以如果我发现了问题, then that's going to be a quick signal to me that something might be going on with something else in this workflow that I've got to fix. Obviously, that's going to use bandwidth, so you've gotta be careful. If you've got a limited pipe, you can only have so many reference players open. If you're going to be using your own data plan to do that, live streams are expensive.

所以,要确保这是在你的成本中. If you're going to use up a bunch of data watching live streams on devices, 作为质量保证, 然后把它包括在你的预算中. You don't want to absorb costs like that, 'cause it's gonna cut into your margins. 当然,测试,测试,再测试. 你永远不能做太多的测试. 事实上, most people don't do enough testing and it can be hard without having live audiences, 参加比赛,看看你在负荷下的表现如何. There's all sorts of solutions you can do for load testing these days for your HLS streams. 我是JMeter和BlazeMeter免费插件的忠实粉丝. There's an HLS sampler plugin from BlazeMeter that you can tie into JMeter and you can load-test your streaming media setup that way. 

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