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How prepared are general participants in business meetings, 筹款活动, or 产品发布 to encompass Augmented Reality (AR) in their events? Beth Norber of 主流媒体 discusses some challenges her organization face with getting their clients comfortable incorporating the overall umbrella of Extended Reality (XR), 以及她为什么相信亚马逊等领先公司, YouTube, 和 Fortnite will eventually set the stage f或者是ir wider adoptions in different market tiers.

How prepared are general participants in business meetings, 筹款活动, or 产品发布 for encompassing various forms of Augmented Reality (AR)? Chris Pfaff,首席执行官, 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体, 美国制片人协会 (PGA), VR / AR协会 (VRARA), speaks with Beth Norber, Director of Accounts, 主流媒体 about some of the challenges her organization is facing in terms of getting their clients up to speed with incorporating AR, VR, 和 the overall umbrella of Extended Reality (XR) immersive experiences into their event streams.

“What are you doing in terms of the hybrid, sort of XR 和 the 2D world?普法夫问诺伯. “现在对你来说这是一个更大的要求吗??”

“There are many clients that are asking f或者是 AR 和 there are some specific platforms that are particularly well suited for this,诺伯说. “有时候我们会在VR中添加一些元素. Those are largely for some of the in-person events on the AR side using platforms [such as] spacial.io和 收集.小镇.“然而, 她指出,这些活动的规模不是很好, 特别是取决于客户和预算. “我认为这真的是游戏公司的问题 亚马逊女战士, 科技公司, the media companies that are on the leading edge of that f或者是ir events,她说。.

Norber highlights that while the lines are becoming blurred between media events, 产品发布, 以及其他类型的事件, the “bread 和 butter” presentations of their clientele such as business meetings 和 fundraisers may not be fully ready for XR integrations. “I don't know that their audiences are totally open to some of that,她说。. “然而他们看到了,他们知道它就在那里. 他们自己准备好了吗? Is the client ready for that, to think about such an immersive, integrated experience? We're trying to lead them there [using] baby steps…和 accessibility is 总是, 总是, 总是 at the forefront of our mind 和 our client's minds in terms of how accessible these types of experiences are. In terms of literally just inter网 speeds 和 some of the basics, right? 但大品牌正在引领潮流.”

“And are you working with in-house agencies or are we talking more Fortune 1000 companies?普法夫说. “因为, 当然, 从事件的角度来看, historically you've got some of the biggest (certainly in North America) companies like SAPSalesforce甲骨文微软,大量的经典企业软件销售. 这个问题还存在吗? Or have we seen more of a take up from, let's say, CPG companies?”

“I think it's still that the highest tier of companies is pushing the boundaries when it comes to these events,诺伯说. “They're the ones that can do those big, br和ed events, co-br和ed with the 牵连 或者是 Fortnite 或者是大标题艺术家. 这将是最大的吸引力.” But she says that some smaller companies are willing to take the financial 和 technological risks involved with incorporating XR. “这绝对是一种排他性的感觉, 感觉对某一特定客户很有需求,她说。. “And again, it'll trickle down to I think most of the events that we're all seeing on a daily basis.”

在流媒体事件中了解更多关于AR的信息 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 来自流媒体连接2022.

Any streaming workflow is only as strong as its weakest (or least-tested) link. 水流越大, 不幸的是, the larg­er the opportunity 和 the smaller the margin for error. So, what do the experts say about the architectural dem和s 和 challenges of main­taining five-nines uptime 和 broadcast quality when the stakes are too high to let either suf­fer? 他们推荐了什么解决方案?
我是詹姆斯·佩恩, FlightLine电影公司的杰伊·内梅斯, 和 SkyRae Media's Scott Gillies discuss how to create VR 和 AR experiences that go beyond traditional streaming video in this clip from Live Streaming Summit at 流媒体 East 2019.
The creativity behind immersive VR filmmaking is only matched by the software engineering creativity that makes this type of video possible.