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流媒体音乐会和其他现场活动使Ryan Bodie的Studio 26成为他所在地区和一些关键娱乐领域的现场活动网络直播提供商, 从春季的系列音乐会到夏季的节日,再到Chaka Khan表演等一次性的舞台演出. Bodie estimates that his crew shoots, switches, and streams 80 live events per year, with maybe half of those involving music.

When Ryan Bodie made the cover of EventDV in May 2008, 该杂志将他描述为一名由广播商业制片人转行的婚礼摄像师,特别有拍电影的野心, Christian filmmaking ambitions, 他为年轻人拍摄的一系列基督教电影就是明证, Click Clack Jack.

Nary a word in the article addressed Bodie's current passion, streaming live events, which has established his company, Florida-based Studio 26 Productions, 作为他所在地区和一些关键娱乐领域的网络直播提供商, 包括(但不限于)基督教摇滚音乐会和其他音乐表演. 他的音乐演出范围很广,从春季的系列音乐会到夏季的音乐节,再到一次性的舞台演出,比如Chaka Khan的演出和8月份他制作并直播的Hillsong United演出.

博迪估计,他的团队每年大约要做80场现场演出, with maybe half of those involving music.

Live webcasting is much more than Bodie's "current" passion. He and his crew have been shooting, switching, and delivering shows live over the web for 7 years now. 他的项目范围从音乐会到企业演出到会议、讲座等等.

当我开始新的冒险时,我有机会和他交谈, a series of live-produced and delivered, MTV不插电式的节目,主打流行和崭露头角的基督教摇滚表演. Designed to be shot, impromptu, in a band's home or rehearsal space, Bodie's new project has the working title "Home Invasion."

Developing a New Web Show

The new show, Bodie says, "came about by accident. 我的一个好朋友是一位DJ,在基督教广播界非常有名. Last year, he was voted Christian DJ of the year." Over the past year or two, Bodie says, 他已经养成了去DJ贾亚尔的the Joy FM工作室做客的习惯,比如周五的烹饪节目.

"Sometimes I would tape it and sometimes I wouldn't," Bodie says. 他在场外拍摄的两场Jayar活动是“名人挑战”节目,其中包括坦帕湾光芒队的二垒手本·佐布里斯特和基督教艺术家托比·麦克(托比vs. Zoby”),在YouTube和Vimeo上吸引了大量粉丝.

Jayar has "been in the business 15 years," Bodie says, “他认识所有经常来这里的艺术家. 我们会带他们去当地的地方吃饭,闲逛,了解他们." Talking to Jayar one night, Bodie recalls, 他突然想到,“我们应该做的是,如果有人来到镇上,就说, “嘿,你今晚来我家吧,我们请你们来一场原声演出。. And so we did it. We did it recently with this band named Leland. 我们不请自来,就说,‘好吧,伙计,现场录音,我们会直播的. We'll live record it and switch. And we'll see what happens.“所以我们去了他孩子的房间,那里到处都是玩具,真的,整个房间都是. 我们正踩着吱吱作响的鸭子走到椅子上让这位基督教艺术家演奏他们的一首新歌. And so it was just really fun. 我们大约有10到15个孩子和其他人在房间里闲逛. And we shot it and streamed it. And it was very successful. 所以我们决定,‘我们要开始一直这样做."

Ryan Bodie Films

Not every show happens exactly like the Leland show, Bodie says, but the template for the show is established. “我们不会在每个艺术家的孩子的房间里拍摄”,这是一件新奇的事情. 现在我们实际上要在客厅里做,或者有更多的空间来配合灯光和我的工作人员, because we were really limited upstairs. 但现在我们要开始做这件事,当艺术家们来到镇上, 我们要么去找他们,要么让他们来找我们, and do live streaming of two or three of their songs."

What's perhaps most surprising about Home Invasion so far, Bodie says, is that his studio is actually making money at it. “这将成为我们的另一项收入,我们将在一个小时内将设备和音频设备带到某个地方,并进行全面设置. We'll set up all of the microphones, all of the equipment that we need, the lighting, the live-switching stuff. 然后我们直播大约10到20分钟的几首歌.

“现在它让我们产生了额外的收入,因为它非常简单,很多人都想这么做. We're starting to get requests to go places and do this. 一开始只是一件有趣的事情,因为我喜欢音乐,结果变成了一个相当可靠的网络节目,我们将开始预订嘉宾,采访和现场直播,并将其录制下来存档在互联网上."

Ryan Bodie Films