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Manfrotto Creates New Counter-Balancing Fluid Video Tripod Head

Manfrotto产品营销经理Giuseppe DiLauro让Stjepan Alaupovic第一次看到Manfrotto新的Nitrotech流体头.

Stjepan: I'm here with Giuseppe in the Manfrotto booth, and we're here to talk about the new Nitrotech Video Tripod Head. Tell us a little bit about it.

Giuseppe: It's completely brand new technology, 我们使用氮气活塞机制是为了用一种完全不同的方式来平衡相机. It has a payload of 8 kilos, so it's very versatile. So it can be used with mirrorless DSLR or also camcorder.

In term of technology, how it works, 基本上:通过这个旋钮可以非常容易和快速地调整平衡, 所以当摄像师需要改变设置的时候,因为他们需要灯光,或者他们甚至需要更换摄像机, 这很简单,因为他们可以快速地安装和拆卸相机和所有配件.

In term of versatility, also the head has it camera with a flat base. It's possible to be used on tripod, on slider. 所以它非常非常通用,可以用于不同重量的射击.


Giuseppe: Yes. It has a diameter of 75, 所以它可以与不同的三脚架一起使用,即使我们的用户使用的是旧的三脚架, it can work even with those. 如果其他用户,也许他们有其他的三脚架,我们有一些适配器. So, for example, if they have a tripod that is like 100 millimeters, 我们有一些适配器,所以这个头甚至可以用在那种三脚架上.


Giuseppe: Absolutely. So, basically, once the videographer, the user puts the camera on it, 接下来的问题就是大致了解相机上的有效载荷. And then, with the knob, they just adjust the knob. So, when you see the knob at the top, it means that you have used almost eight kilos of counterbalance. 相反,当你看到底部的活塞,这意味着你几乎是零水平.

And how it works, basically, through this knob on the lateral side, you increase or decrease the head of the piston, and so you are able to adjust the counterbalance mechanism. It's very easily, 所以只要试着调整旋钮,然后做一个快速测试,看看相机是否会移动.

一旦你会看到,相机完全停止在一个特定的位置, it means that you are ready to go. Then, 如果有人觉得把相机放在一个特定的位置不舒服, no problem, 因为在侧面有一个锁,所以他们可以很容易地在这里刹车,然后相机将完全封锁在那个位置. 如果有人觉得不舒服,就把相机放在那个倾斜的位置, then we have here the brake. 所以只要转动这个部分,相机就会完全锁定在这个位置.

In term on fluidity, 我们有Manfrotto拖动系统,可以让你在平移和倾斜移动时都有一个非常平滑的移动. How it works, also in this case, 只是旋转这个部件来控制和管理锅上的流体系统吗. 在侧面,也可以调整和移动这个部分,你可以调整倾斜的流动性. On the lateral side here, we have this part that allow the consumer to adjust the tilt fluidity, so it's very, 非常容易和快速地调整pan平滑,他们需要在拍摄期间.

Stjepan: It's a very cool system. Where can people go to learn more about it?

Giuseppe: Oh, we have our website,, where there is a dedicated landing page for Nitrotech where they can see some videos, some technical information, 以及各种各样的信息,他们也可以通过我们的社交媒体和YouTube频道找到.

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