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NAB Spotlight: Saramonic Talks UHF, Wireless Mixer/Receivers, and Mics

流媒体 Producer's 安东尼Burokas interviews Saramonic's Joe Nassar about (and with) Saramonic wireless mics in the Saramonic booth at NAB 2019.


安东尼·布罗卡斯:大家好, 我叫安东尼·布罗卡斯, we are here at NAB 2019 for 流媒体 Producer. 我和乔在萨拉蒙克的卡座, 我不得不说, 我是一个Saramonic用户, 我们正在用萨拉蒙尼克的麦克风, 我给自己买的, and I'm actually really interested in some of the things that you've got going on, 尤其是这个小搅拌器, 哪一个不只是一个搅拌机, 但它是一个接收器, so it does exactly what we're doing here in receiving two wireless microphones, 但它做的更多.

Joe Nassar: Yeah, actually, 这是 a really cool piece. 除了, 正如你提到的, 双接收器, 这本身就是革命性的, I know there are some other dual receivers on the market, 但很多都是wi-fi. This is a UHF system, and the difference between Wi-Fi and UHF is distance and reliability. In a trade show environment like this, Wi-Fi is crazy and almost impossible to get a real signal. 使用超高频我们没有问题, and that's really what you're going to want in a system, 尤其是当你需要可靠性的时候. 这是一个很棒的系统, besides the fact that it has the two wireless receivers on it, of course you can mount your phone right here, 而且它也可以安装更大的手机. 我有一部谷歌Pixel XL,非常适合它. Sure you have to unscrew it a bit to get to that point, but it definitely fits it. As you see, also, on the top we have a little shoe mount. 这对于LED灯来说是完美的.

安东尼Burokas: You know how to add a light to it.

Joe Nassar: Or mounting your shotgun microphone. Well, that's great, but how do you get that on the phone? Well, we have two microphone inputs on the sides. As you can see right here I have a mini-XLR and a mini-plug there, as well as a mini-plug there. The mini plugs are great for microphones like this. 这是SRXM1, 你可以把它打开, 说, if I'm doing a vlog-style thing where I'm filming people, 我可以说话, I don't even have to wear one of the wireless mics. Or using something like the Saramonic V-Mic Mini, having an on camera and on device microphone like that. 非常酷的小麦克风. Or if you want to use a professional shotgun microphone, 这也提供了虚幻的力量, 这真的很棒. So notch your mic up there, you have phantom power, you have all the flexibility you need. 所以总共有四个通道. 如果你把这个和, 说, 两个UW Mic 9系统, you could have six wireless microphones going into your phone at once.

安东尼Burokas: That is unheard of, that is crazy. 现在,我没有看到电池舱. 它的幂是多少?


Anthony burrokas:什么是运行时间?

Joe Nassar: Actually we haven't got a total runtime, because we never had a point where it ran out of power. One of my shoots at least, I've gone at least six hours with this. 我真的需要测试一下它的性能, so I apologize about not having that information right off the bat.

安东尼:不, no, I saw an announcement of this during the year and I was really looking forward to coming to NAB to really see this in person, 因为我当时想, 你知道, 我带着话筒, 但是就像, 可以把它夹在手机上, 能够拥有那些其他的配件, 第三个麦克风, 就像哇, 你知道, 所以我做了两个, but there's literally no other way to get a third thing in. So this gives you that capability to add the third thing. 甚至更多.

乔·纳萨尔:第四个. And the fourth, maybe six mics, whatever you like to do, really. 这是一件很划算的作品.

安东尼:现在 if somebody's not going to do that wireless, 但就像你说的视频博客, you've got a couple new vlogging direct plug-in mics, 我看到.

乔·纳萨尔:嗯, 这是一部iPhone, an old iPhone with a lot of fingerprints on it, 你们可能看到了. 但这是SmartMic Plus, and the SmartMic Plus is the new on-device microphone for smartphones and tablets and anything like that. 如你所见,这里有一部iPhone. I can put it into selfie mode so I can do some vlogs and be filming a nice vlog, 或者我用的是高质量的相机, I could actually flip it the other way and just shoot a really high-quality video and get awesome audio with it. This is really good, it exceeds the sound of the internal microphone as well as it being directional. 这对你来说是个巨大的优势. 我的意思是, 我们制作了一个视频, and you can really tell the difference between the on-camera microphones as opposed to, 我很抱歉. The on-camera microphones and the SmartMic Plus. It really gives you a huge boost in sound for not that much money. We have a Lightning version as I have here, a USB-C, and also a TRRS. 这是TRRS版本, 我的旧手机,就在这里, but this is cool for people who do not have either Lightning or USB-C. TRRS版本是59美元,抱歉. $59 for TRRS version, and the USB-C and the Lightning versions are $75 apiece. They also come with a furry windscreen for the USB-C and the Lightning versions.

安东尼:现在, 我正在看这个, 很明显, Android与Micro-C, 你在用耳机插孔. So is this where you get to listen to the audio?

乔·纳萨尔:是的,它依赖于应用程序. Certain apps will let you monitor in real time while other apps, they won't. 这当然依赖于应用程序, but playback is always going to be through that, so you don't have to unplug the microphone to listen.

安东尼:好的,很酷. 对于那些不想使用无线网络的人来说, 但是我想要有多个麦克风, 我看到了这个东西, and I don't quite understand what I'm looking at here.

乔·纳萨尔:嗯, 这是智能V2M, 这里是, 这是一个便携式音频接口, an audio interface for not only your computer, but for your phones with USB-C and Lightning output, so this is basically a portable audio interface that you can take with two wired lavaliers. 它也可以通过USB-A连接到你的电脑, 所以我可以把它放在袋子里, 放在我后面的口袋里, 去任何地方面试. 为那些正在做的人, either 记者 or podcasters or vloggers who are doing lots of different interviews, it has these little mounts on the back that you can mount to your selfie stick or for your tripod or even to your belt. 所以如果我想在这里面试, 我不想带无线系统, 我可以把手机放在口袋里.

安东尼·布罗卡斯:那么, 从技术上讲, 就像我们在这里做的一样, this would be perfect for if wireless was just really crazy, 甚至像超级碗一样. 伙计, 如果你在无线网络上, 这是, even UHF has to be frequency-coordinated and everything, and being on a wire just saves you a whole bunch of hassle, so this gives you the ability to have two microphones. Can you adjust the levels independently of the two channels?

Joe Nassar: You can adjust the levels of each of the microphones, 所以它们完全可以被调整, as well as you have a headphone output and the volume adjustments for that. 这是一件很酷的作品, being that 这是 so portable and it sounds so good, 老实说, 记者, 尤其是他们出外勤的时候, 说, when you're in the middle of Afghanistan and you're doing a livestream back to your broadcaster, 这太棒了, because they can do interviews and get really decent sound anywhere they are. 不仅仅是这些人, but just your normal average interviewer or the podcaster or this is a great little piece for the money.

安东尼:哇, so there's a lot of really cool things going on here at the Saramonic booth for NAB 2019. My name is 安东尼Burokas, here with Joe from Saramonic, here for 流媒体 Producer. 感谢收看.

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