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回顾:《百家乐软件app最新版下载》.0 iOS实时切换流媒体和编辑解决方案

Cinamaker 2.真正整合成一个坚实的基于ios的生产解决方案. 突出的功能包括加载和保存项目, 内置编辑器, 每个通道上都有专用的色度键.

And then there were three--three solutions for iOS where you can take in multiple camera or video feeds, 它们之间的实时切换, 记录, 把你的节目直播给全世界. Cinamaker使用不同于Teradek Live:Air和切换器工作室的设计, 但还是很容易理解的. +, it offers several often-asked-for features and one unique bonus that deserves your attention: built-in post-show re-editing of your live-switched video.

Now that there are three solid solutions for live-switched video production on the iPad, its effectiveness as a multicam live streaming hub can no longer be questioned. The iPad is powerful enough, and this platform does work for this level of production. 我最近做了一个 苹果与苹果的正面交锋测试. Teradek Live2Air vs. 切换器工作室 看看哪个质量最好. Cinamaker was a close second for the "Best Picture" award that Teradek won by a nose.

iPad确实可以接收多个全高清视频, 从有线或无线设备, 或者来自iOS和Android手机, 它不仅可以在它们之间平滑地切换, 但它可以添加标题, 图形, and overlays; play back video; and 记录 an entire program while also streaming it to the CDN of your choice. 让我们跳过基础,看看Cinamaker提供了什么.

Cinamaker为我设置了一个拥有完整工作室权限的模拟账户, 然后在测试的中间, 改变了定价和平台, 这让应用程序感到困惑. In the video you can see a part where I'm in the midst of the demo and suddenly I'm locked out of two camera inputs, 在吃了三个之后. 这在价格结构改变后的新应用更新中得到解决. Cinamaker also loaned me some of their hardware accessories to test the 以太网供电 capability as well. 在测试结束时,我把所有这些装备都归还了.

在基本版的Cinamaker中,你可以使用两个摄像头. If you subscribe to the Pro version for $20/mo, you can line up four cameras to pick from. These can be iOS and “real” cameras using the HDMI interface boxes available from Cinamaker. You can use a DSLR, camcorder, a GoPro, or pretty much anything that outputs HD video over HDMI.

这打开了一个充满可能性的世界. 你可以摆脱iPhone相机的限制,使用真实的相机, 摄像机的20倍以上光学变焦镜头. 或者用全画幅单反的定焦镜头获得浅景深.

In addition to this video goodness, you can play back videos you load into the app. You can vary the audio level of these videos so that the audio level of everything matches in the final output. 在我测试的版本中, 然而, 没有一个主项目水平计, 或者夹子上的仪表, 所以这是可行的, 但这将是一个反复试验的过程,直到 


Another thing to consider (and that Cinamaker has clearly considered) with this nascent technology is that there are a lot of people coming in to these iOS solutions with no experience with video production or live streaming. 

Cinamaker has put together “solutions” on their website that incorporate iOS device connectivity, 以太网供电, HDMI转换器, 等. 这是一个好的开始, 但它也错过了WiFi解决方案和音频混音器, as I often see these being topics for recommendations for people new to the field.

Power over ether网 (PoE) is a solution that many producers may not consider at first, 但这很有意义. There are several standards, and it's easy to get confused within this tiny aspect of 网working.

Being able to receive the video from your iPhone and provide endless power to it over a single cable, 非常方便. 更重要的是, 因为视频在电线上, 因为WiFi问题而掉帧的几率几乎为零.

If you have a setup that will remain in place and needs to run for hours and hours at a time, or that might have to fight with wireless congestion (like at a trade show or expo) then getting your devices connected to wires is going to be a fantastic solution. It's nice to see Cinamaker go beyond just offering an app and delve a bit deeper into the ecosystem to offer more complete solutions and recommend equipment to those customers that just want things that work.

除此之外,Cinamaker在应用程序上有一个非常酷的帮助按钮(下面的图1) that immediately gives you overlays to tell you what all the various pieces are on the screen at any given time. Diving head-first into Cinamaker I found this feature very helpful to guide me to understand the icons on the screen till I began to know them by heart. 很适合新的视频制作人.

图1. Cinamaker的帮助叠加

As mobile devices have become more powerful and 交付 higher-quality stills and video, it was inevitable that companies would emerge that leveraged these new technologies to produce multicam live-switched media production. So let's establish some ground rules for mobile multicam media production success.
LiveCTRL makes the most of the broadcast-level video the Panasonic PTZ cameras 交付, 简单地说, 清洁, 以及易于携带的iPad界面.
With the addition of Cinamaker to the field of contestants I discussed in my July 2018 iOS Head to Head article-切换器工作室 and Teradek Live:空中行动—I set out to determine which app would 交付 the best video quality for live streaming and live 记录ing.
Cloud-enabled capabilities will play an increasingly important role in the future of the Switcher platform, 在云端构建需要更多的百家乐软件来支持, 交付, 和维护