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Review: Roland V-02HD Multi-Format Video Mixer

新, 非常紧凑的罗兰V-02HD可用于混合多个源的现场事件流和/或输出音频/视频到内部投影系统.

As a live event livestream director, 我一直在寻找能够简化可靠的现场活动制作的新设备. As an avid user of Roland’s V-60HD and V-1SDI video switchers, I’ve already become familiar with common configurations and settings. While these are fantastic switchers, 有时我只需要在视频切换器上输入几个输入,或者当我在非常狭小的空间里为会议室演示工作时.

新, extremely compact Roland V-02HD (图1, below) can likely fulfill all your requirements in such situations. V-02HD(零售价595美元)可用于混合多个源进行实时事件流和/或将音频/视频输出到内部投影系统.

图1. Roland V-02HD top view


The Roland V-02HD is designed to work with HDMI inputs and outputs. 虽然我更喜欢在SDI输入和输出上保留信号链, 所以可以理解为什么罗兰设计了这个带有HDMI连接的切换器, as many digital cameras, 设备, and projectors can work with this standard. 像其他罗兰开关,该单位使用4:4:4 (Y/Pb/Pr)色彩空间与10位视频处理. V-02 HD可以接受两个HDMI输入,并提供两个可编程HDMI输出(图2, below). All HDMI inputs and outputs on the V-02HD have built-in scalers, 使您能够使用广泛的视频帧大小和帧速率, and output to a common standard such as 1080i59.94 or 1080p59.94.

图2. Connections on the Roland V-02HD

Unlike other Roland switchers I have used, V-02HD的HDMI输出可以配置为使用投影仪分辨率标准, 比如XGA, 并且WXGA, 和宽屏, 举几个例子.

您可以操作V-02HD与任何物理控制可用的单位, 从混合HDMI输入与按钮过渡或推杆条,以启用过渡类型, PiP (Picture in Picture), or DSK (Downstream Keyer). You can also use a Boss FS-6 foot pedal (图3, below) to control your transitions between your two HDMI inputs, 释放你控制相机的运动,并直接与脚踏板的现场输出. 您可以单独购买脚踏板,也可以与V-02HD捆绑购买. As the connection with the foot pedal is a standard 1/4” audio cable, 你可以把脚踏板放在相机和三脚架附近,同时控制房间里其他地方的V-02HD.

图3. Boss FS-6 foot pedal

As of the Rev 1.10固件为V-02HD切换器,您可以通过USB连接的iPad操作切换器. The Roland V-02HD Remote app (图4, below) is a free download from the Apple App Store. 我用Apple Lightning转USB b3相机适配器在我的iPad Pro和V-02HD之间连接了一条USB B型电缆. With the iPad app, 你可以比在预览HDMI端口上使用OSD(屏幕显示)菜单更快地控制设置. 您还可以访问每个HDMI输入和输出以及模拟音频Line In源的更精细的音频设置.

图4. Roland V-02HD Remote app (iPad)

You can store a still image in the memory of the V-02HD, to use with DSK 特性 or as a fade in/out graphic. 要加载静止图像,请在V-02HD的一个HDMI输入上使用计算机输入. 确保计算机在连接的计算机上以全屏模式显示图像, 并使用OSD菜单控件将图像从HDMI输入冻结到静态图像存储. 请注意,您可以存储来自V-02HD的HDMI输入的任何帧.

Unlike pricier Roland switchers, the V-02HD actually has some incredible visual effects 特性, labeled “VFX” on the top controls. The Part Mosaic feature, 例如, can be used to pixelate a specific area of the video frame, 比如在面试中通过一个人的脸来隐藏自己的身份. The V-02HD also has audio effects processing, with EQ presets tuned for interviews, windy environments, and ambient audio.

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