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Review: Sigma Cine Lenses

这篇评论着眼于电影镜头系列的两个变焦镜头和一个定焦镜头, tested with a Blackmagic URSA 4.6 Mini Pro 4.6K.

在这篇评论中,我们将看看Sigma系列的电影镜头. 我最近用Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4拍摄了三个这样的镜头.6K. 二是从高速变焦线,18-35mm宽(在左边) Figure 1, below) and the 50-100mm (center, Figure 1),以及一个定焦镜头,即135毫米(在右侧,在相机上) Figure 1). Each of these lenses is a T 2.0 F-stop, so that's why they're called the high-speed series, 它们都有你在电影镜头中通常期望和想要的所有功能.

Figure 1. The Sigma Cine Lens 18-35mm (left), 50-100mm (center), and 135mm (right, on the Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4.6K)

The lenses have geared rings for focus, iris, and zoom (Figure 2, below), and they have a huge glass and a lot of weight, and a lot of expense to go with it. They range in price from $4,000-$5,000 each, but you get what you pay for, 如果你想要比单反镜头更好的东西, 或者甚至是一个普通的广播镜头,或者是你的成套相机附带的标准内置镜头, then these are the way to go.

Figure 2. The 18-35mm Cine Lens up close

As I said before, these lenses are not light. They range from 3-4 lbs. each. The 18-35 and the 135 are both around 3 lbs., and the 50-100 is a beefy 4.2 lbs. 不要指望在一个轻量级的跑枪设置中使用这些. Although you could, 这会让它变得很有挑战性,你会因为前端的这些玻璃而疲惫不堪.

Mounting the Camera and Lenses for Use in the Field

Also, don't make the same mistake that I did. 我打算用这个Blackmagic在MoVIi Pro的电动云台上拍摄. 我想我肯定可以使用这18-35作为我的首选镜头时,使用该设置, 因为我要做的很多事情都是在接近或远离一个主题, shooting from a moving vehicle, 还有很多东西都有很大的变化, walking through doors and through hallways, down trails, and so forth. 我可不想把跟随焦点弄得一团糟, either remote or on camera, 因为像我这样的一到两个人几乎不可能做到这一点.

当我拿到MoVI Pro的时候,我决定,让这个东西平衡一下,所以我把URSA放在那里. 我还在背面安装了固态硬盘读取器,这使得相机的包装相当大. 它已经很长了,而且MoVI Pro没有太多的前后空间. 大多数拍摄电影的人都是用一个小包装拍摄的, like a RED camera, which is very compact, 然后是一个简短的电影镜头,或者甚至不是电影镜头.

我想,我要把黑魔法放进去,然后用18-35来平衡. The problem is with that three lbs. hanging off the front of this, it was way too much weight on the front end, and I couldn't get the MoVI to bring it back up. 我决定在后面放一个v型电池,这将有助于平衡它. Well, that still wasn't enough. 然后我得到了一个胶片平衡套件, 相机底部有一个大盘子,它有可选的重量,你可以把它拧到后面,这样就能增加相机后面的重量.

For one thing, this started to make the kit extremely heavy, 而且它仍然不足以平衡这个镜头. 我最终不得不放弃这个想法,选择了17-40佳能l系列EF镜头. Thjis was fine; it did what I needed it to do. 我只是希望我可以用这些漂亮的电影镜头拍下整个过程.

Now, the resulting footage is great. 我用17-40的万向架拍摄的照片和我用这些西格玛镜头拍摄的照片之间真的没有明显的区别. 这部分是因为我没有用这个镜头和佳能镜头拍摄一个地方或一个场景. 我选择在每个单独的位置使用佳能镜头或西格玛镜头, so the resulting footage will blend fine, 因为我从一个场景到另一个场景,你不会看到非常相似的镜头,肤色或天空的颜色会有轻微的变化.

因为我用的是带有佳能EF卡口的Blackmagic相机, 当然,我为这些镜头选择了佳能EF卡口, but you do have options available for that. 在这些西格玛镜头的EF mount也有橡胶垫圈周围的密封, 所以西格玛镜头具有与佳能l系列相同的功能, which is a rubber gasket that keeps dust, moisture, sand, 或者任何类似的东西,比如在镜头和相机机身之间,也就是传感器所在的地方.

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在本教程中,我将看看两个新的相机从Blackmagic设计:URSA广播, a 4K camera; and the URSA Mini Pro 4.6K, which is an update to the previous URSA Mini 4.6K.