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我们负责的软件之间是有区别的, 在软件方面, 还有我们的工作, are captives of our tool providers and their subscription-only services. It is in our own best interest to consistently run cost/benefit analyses of the value our tools provide to each of us. 我们每个人都可以做出有利于我们企业的决定, and, 在更高的层次上, 我们选择支持那些两者之一的企业, 或者不, 把我们放在第一位.



As we come to the end of another year of growth in this ever-changing business of ours, I had a recent opportunity to dig into some business specifics regarding costs my company was incurring and make some forward-thinking business decisions regarding where I would choose to put my company's dollars.

百家乐软件app最新版下载需要平衡几十种不同的成本, fees, 和订阅, 我们需要平衡哪些对我们有利,哪些对我们不利. This recently had a spotlight shined on it for me when I needed to assess the value of both Adobe Premiere Pro and vMix. What follows is a cost/benefit thought process that applies only to me, and my company.

Adobe宣布又一个季度的利润同比增长. 同时, they sent me an email telling me that my monthly subscription would be going up, 单个应用程序的价格从每月31美元到34美元不等. 所以我终止了订阅. vMix, 相比之下, 在新版本中增加了几个我想要的功能, 所以我很高兴地向他们支付了更新费用.

作为一名百家乐软件app最新版下载,我几乎不做剪辑. 这些天, delivery platforms like YouTube allow me to trim off pre-show and post-show content, 为观众提供更方便的事后观看. 在极少数情况下, like for a recent show that had some mid-event server issues that had to be cleaned up, 我需要真正的视频编辑软件.

iMovie, included with my desktop Mac, handles many simple tasks admirably. 但我发现它不是最好的细节调整. 在Premiere Pro中编辑多年, 我知道这个工具, but the constant price increases made me re-evaluate my reliance on this one, 对于我的低级视频编辑来说,这是一个非常昂贵的工具. I don't pay for the entire creative suite because I have almost zero need for the other tools.

Adobe further incentivized my cancellation by sending me a "We tried to contact you about your failed payment” email. (他们不.)消息继续说, “We’re going to have to cancel your subscription if you don’t update your payment." I received this email for a service that I had deliberately cancelled weeks before. This gaslighting solidified my desire to look around to see what else was available.

I was surprised to find so many alternatives to cut multiple layers of video with accuracy: tools like Resolve, ShotCut, Avid Media Composer -第一, Filmora, 热映影片, and Lightworks are all very capable tools for my basic video editing needs. I will need to invest a bit of time to learn how to edit in a different app.

所以,时间就是金钱. 投资时间,才能省钱.

相比之下,我经常使用vMix进行直播. 我使用的版本售价1美元,200, about what Adobe Creative Suite used to cost back when it was the whole suite of software on a set of optical discs. Now I’m a version behind, and guess what it costs me to update my app to the latest version of vMix? $50. Moreover, vMix doesn't stop working if I don't pay, like Adobe software does.

这意味着StudioCoast Pty, Ltd .., the makers of vMix, have to improve the software enough for me to want to pay them every year. 如果他们不这样做,那么我可以继续使用我的版本. 另一方面, 如果我不需要或不想要Adobe添加的功能, 我每个月还得付34美元, 这样应用程序就打开了.

视频行业在不断变化. There are alternatives out there, and competition in the industry benefits all of us. 我们可以选择不同的工具, 甚至是完全不同的解决方案, 当它们更适合我们的业务需求时. It also helps to be aware of alternative solutions in case the tool we use—even if it was once the industry standard—suddenly has an uncertain future.

Bending Spoons just laid off the entire staff of the stalwart iPhone filming app Filmic Pro. They did so after purchasing Filmic in 2022 and switching from a purchase license to a subscription. 这一举动将一定比例的用户挤出了市场. 缓慢的更新速度让他们失去了更多的用户. 与此同时, Blackmagic Design推出免费的Camera应用, 用于拍摄苹果2023年秋季的整个产品发布会, 也完全改变了形势.

我们负责的软件之间是有区别的, 在软件方面, 还有我们的工作, are captives of our tool providers and their subscription-only services. 我要把钱投在我能控制的解决方案上. Just like Adobe, Blackmagic, Bending Spoons, and StudioCoast, we are businesses too. It is in our own best interest to consistently run cost/benefit analyses of the value our tools provide to each of us. 我们每个人都可以做出有利于我们企业的决定, and, 在更高的层次上, 我们选择支持那些两者之一的企业, 或者不, 把我们放在第一位.

Today, we are seeing a similar conglomeration of features and abilities in today's production hardware, 让一个人“包揽一切”!这就引出了一个问题:你应该做所有的事情吗?
The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer 看 the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. 这些顾客都渴望那种特殊的体验. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.
今年早些时候,我有机会尝试学习冲浪. I'm very glad that I took the lessons because I soon found out how hard surfing really is. 在, failing, 受伤, 看, 和学习, I saw some parallels between my lessons on the water and the streaming business—which isn't quite as easy as it looks either.