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The Accidental Videographer Does Facebook Live

如果你是一个偶然的(或最后一刻的)负责现场制作的摄像师, have a seat, bring a notepad, and live and learn.

在过去的流媒体展上,我的任务是在流媒体杂志展台上拍摄十几个采访. Since we had a LiveU Solo unit in for testing, 并撰写了多篇关于通过Facebook Live流媒体的原因和方法的文章, we decided to try that too. 虽然我之前拍摄和制作过很多现场活动, 这次是我来完成这些任务,因为平时的摄像师不能来参加演出.

That means I was working with totally new audio, video, lighting, and streaming gear, in an unknown environment, while also charged with a three-hour workshop, three one-hour sessions, plus the normal meetings, dinners, 以及其他与流媒体节目有关的下班后活动. 这让我成为了一个偶然的摄像师,至少对于这些作品来说是这样. In this article, I’ll tell you what I screwed up, what I learned, and how I’ll do it better next time.

如果你是一名专业人士,你可能会发现除了一两个笑声之外,这没什么价值. 如果你是一个意外的摄像师负责任何现场制作, have a seat, bring a notepad, and live and learn.

The Setup

Figure 1 (below) 图中显示了相机的设置,包括两台索尼pxw - x70相机. The primary camera is the one I’m driving, 哪一个配置了双摄扬声器, Streaming Media’s Tim Siglin on the right, and Tim Dougherty from Wowza on the left. 右边的摄像机是多尔蒂的特写镜头,没有出现在直播流中. Rather, 此片段仅用于活动后准备的视频点播视频, 并通过摄像机顶部的一个小型散弹枪麦克风捕捉二次音频.

Figure 1. Our two-camera setup. Photo by Joyce Essig, LiveU.

两个扬声器都戴着lavalier麦克风,向主摄像头的接收器发送信号. 这是通过HDMI连接到我脚上的LiveU Solo. Solo也接受HD-SDI,相机也输出HD-SDI. In retrospect, I probably should have used that connection, 虽然这对实际生产质量影响不大.

说句题外话,Solo在比赛中表现得很好. 我们做对的一件事是提供了一个以太网连接,专门用于Facebook Live的流媒体. Once connected, Solo推出了稳定的5mbps 720p流,一旦我们克服了一些错误,你将在下面了解到. 让我们做第一课“获得专用的流媒体连接,” and Lesson 2, “Get a High Quality On-site Encoder.让我们同意第三课应该是“让你的现场工作流程在活动之前启动和运行。,” which I had time to do with the Solo, but not with any other gear. On to Lesson 4.

Lesson 4: Have a Setup Checklist

Each video shoot involves dozens of decisions, auto or manual, capture format, audio connectivity, and if manual, shutter speed, gain, iris setting, white balance setting, focus strategy, and others. 唯一的方法是始终如一地考虑并正确配置所有这些设置, particularly if you’re in a hurry, is to use a checklist (Figure 2, below).

Figure 2. Camera setup checklist.

它不需要是外来的,但它需要涵盖图2中所示的所有项. 当使用两台相同的相机时尤其如此, 因为相同的设置将在编辑过程中真正简化匹配颜色.

虽然我显然把这份清单放在了某个地方,但我没有打印出来,也没有把它带到展会上. While I got the configurations mostly right, in my rush to get everything up and running, and the live streaming started, I did forget to white balance the main camera, 导致令人尴尬(但赞赏)的评论显示在 Figure 3 (below). 虽然你可以(通常)在后期修复白平衡,但你不能在直播时修复.

Figure 3. Yes, dear.

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