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The Power of Pro Bono Production: Studio Z Films and Ronald McDonald House

Studio Z Films的Steve Zugelter描述了他在过去四年中与大辛辛那提的Ronald McDonald House合作的发展, 他所使用的技术为他们制作了越来越亲密和故事驱动的电影, 以及这个经常性的公益项目如何使当地的非营利组织受益,并进一步在河城建立了Studio Z.

The last time I wrote about Steve Zugelter of Studio Z Films, it was 2009, and he was hanging out of a helicopter, 在他的家乡辛辛那提,他在一座水塔运动废弃建筑的屋顶和一堆岩石的顶部拍摄新娘. An up-and-coming wedding filmmaker at the time, Zugelter was shooting a short "concept" film 这将奠定他在婚礼界富有创意的冒险者的形象, 并陶醉于他决定放弃他之前在公司和商业摄像的职业道路, 在哪里他很少有机会去做那种激励他的故事驱动的工作. 但他从未排除以自己的方式重返企业生产的可能性, 或者在婚礼之外做一些引人注目和鼓舞人心的工作,以满足他希望在镜头后实现的其他抱负.

祖格特一点也不知道,这个“岩石堆”概念片不仅会帮助他在婚礼电影制作上打下自己的印记, but also lead to a prominent, 会对辛辛那提社区产生真正影响的经常性公益演出, get his work widely seen, 并帮助他重新进入公司和(付费)非营利制作,使他的叙事技巧完好无损.

As it turned out, 概念片中的新娘是大辛辛那提罗纳德麦当劳之家委员会的成员, 麦当劳麦当劳之家是麦当劳麦当劳之家全球网络的一个分支,为那些在当地医院接受治疗的孩子提供一个低成本或免费的“家外之家”, mostly Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. 麦当劳罗纳德之家(RMH)当地分会正在找人制作宣传视频,以便在他们的年度红领带晚会上播放,并在其他媒体上传递他们的信息, 这位“石堆新娘”找到祖格特,想知道他对这个项目的兴趣. 她明确表示,Zugelter需要为这个项目贡献自己的时间和服务(并为他带来的任何制作团队的服务付费)。, but he agreed to do it, reasoning, "My wife, Reagan, and i, would love to be able to contribute, say, $5000," to worthy causes and charities in the Cincinnati community, "but we're not in a position to do that. For me, this is the best way that I can give, 我所能给予的远远超过我在经济上所能做的. 这是我想做更多的事情,如果我能通过做这件事获得曝光,那就太好了."

事实证明,这个项目对RMH和zugelter来说都是一个令人振奋的成功,以至于他们已经连续四年重新建立了合作关系, culminating in Studio Z's most recent RMH film premiering Monday, October 8 at the 2012 Red Tie Gala and going live online on Tuesday. After four acclaimed productions, four successful (and year-by-year increasing) fund-raising campaigns, a 2011 Telly award, 以及其他非营利组织的多次有偿演出,他把这些都归功于他在麦当劳之家的工作, Zugelter回顾了该项目多年来的发展历程,以及它如何影响他的业务及其在河城的地位,以及其他制作人可能会从接受这些机会中获得什么.

Steve and Reagan Zugelter


A Learning Process

Zugelter's first effort in 2009 was a bit tentative. 当地的RMH和相关的麦当劳之家慈善机构都是视频的新手,不知道如何最大限度地利用它. As a result, Zugelter says, "We didn't understand much about where it was going, how many familes we should interview, or if we should talk to their doctors.Zugelter说他最后采访了两个家庭和执行董事Jennifer Goodin, and used very little b-roll, resulting in a film that consisted of mostly talking heads.

But that first film, and the second, 他们在2010年按照同样的模板拍摄了这部电影,但增加了一点b-roll和其他一些适度的改进——比项目目标还高, 在红领结晚会上,他向600名与会者传达了这样的信息:“这家公司是做什么的,它是如何帮助家庭度过难关的。. Helping people relate to the families was our main point," Zugelter explains, and the first two films achieved that.


Ronald McDonald House from Zug Media on Vimeo.

But in 2011, Zugelter pitched a more story-driven approach—less executive director, more b-roll, 主要讲述了一个带女儿来辛辛那提接受癌症治疗的家庭的经历. "Let's go into the hospital. Let's go through the house, and let's show this family in the dining area, playing games together, 让我们来看看这些家庭到底经历了什么以及他们是如何在这里生活的, really pulling on the heartstrings."