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Vizrt Leverages Monarch EDGE for Remote & 云生产

Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器对通过公共互联网为VizrTV安全地传输高质量的实时视频,为无缝远程和基于云的制作提供动力.

如何让相隔数千公里的两个人同时出现在虚拟工作室里? Teleportation technology. While it may sound like science fiction, Vizrt在一对Matrox的帮助下,定期将来自全球不同地点的人们聚集在一起® 君主EDGE 4K/多高清编码器和解码器设备时,生产自己的VizrTV在线系列.

Matrox Monarch EDGE使Vizrt能够提供低延迟,非常逼真的虚拟面试

Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器以及Vizrt为广播公司提供的软件定义视觉叙事工具使Vizrt能够“传送”常驻专家克里斯·布莱克, Vizrt’s Norway-based Head of Brand and Content Team, 和格哈德·朗, Vizrt’s 奥地利-based Chief Technology Officer into a virtual studio in Vomp, 奥地利 – along with guest experts from anywhere in the world. 能够在不同的剧集中无缝地执行远程和基于云的制作, Monarch EDGE已成为Vizrt提供低延迟的广播质量编码和解码设备, strikingly-realistic virtual interviews.

Matrox Monarch EDGE与Vizrt数字讲故事工具相结合,使Vizrt能够将客人传送到工作室

没有旅行? 没有问题.

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, VizrTV最初是一种内部沟通手段,旨在团结和激励全球30个办事处的700多名Vizrt员工,但很快就变成了VizrTV:一个专注于当前影响广播行业的问题的外部平台,同时展示了Vizrt的广播工具如何帮助实时解决这些问题. 而世界各地的广播员都无法回到他们的演播室,被迫在自己的家中报道新闻, Vizrt’s in-house and guest experts found themselves in the exact same predicament.

向世界展示Vizrt的软件定义工具如何帮助广播公司为观众创造更真实的现场报道体验, Lang did not want to simply talk about the tools. Instead, he wanted to demonstrate their capabilities during live interviews. “我们希望创造一种自然的脱口秀形式,类似于观众习惯在电视上看到的节目,朗说。. “Zoom-style interviews may become the norm, but with our technology, we can do better. We wanted to inspire our customers by showing them what is possible. How do you bring two storytellers together in one place? 这是我们在决定使用Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器设备时试图回答的问题. Monarch EDGE提供的4:2:2 10位视频至关重要,它使我们能够实现所需的键控质量,从而使制作真正令人信服.”

Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器对满足了Vizrt对高性能解决方案的所有要求,这将使他们能够创建多个个体在一个位置进行无缝访谈的图像,尽管他们彼此之间存在物理距离. Vizrt为VizrTV设计的“地点”是一个虚拟工作室,由Vizrt的Viz Engine 4精心渲染.1 compositing, real-time 3D rendering, and video playout platform. An essential tool to realizing this illusion is the Monarch EDGE, which is able to deliver 4:2:2 10-bit H.264 streams that translate to flawless green screen compositions. 此外, 在Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器对上的SRT支持允许在公共互联网上进行超低延迟的视频传输-最终-为那些观看VizrTV直播流的人提供平滑和逼真的观看体验.


Bringing Storytellers Together

For VizrTV episodes featuring 一对一的对话 between Black and Lang, cameras capturing each individual are stationed in separate studios in Bergen, 挪威和呕吐物, 奥地利, 分别. During these productions, the Monarch EDGE encoder was housed in the Norway studio, while the Monarch EDGE decoder was located in the 奥地利 studio. SDI摄像机将高清视频与嵌入式音频一起发送到Monarch EDGE编码器,该编码器以6mbps的速度编码,并在SRT中流式传输,具有传输延迟,允许自然流畅的对话. The Monarch EDGE decoder received the stream, then output an HD-SDI feed with audio to the Viz Engine 4.1 system housed in the 奥地利 studio.

A second SDI camera in studio sends SDI video with embedded audio to the same Viz Engine 4.1系统,它产生最终的组成交付给Viz Vectar切换系统. This system provides cuts between clips and live and encoded program delivery to Vimeo, Facebook Live, 和LinkedIn, as well as proxy feedback to Black for program monitoring on his laptop. Although the Monarch EDGE encoder and decoder pair does have an independent, bi-directional analog audio circuit available to users, Black and Lang opted to use Microsoft® Teams for their real-time audio communications during these broadcasts.

涉及三个参与者的制作遵循类似的设置,每个远程位置都需要一个编码器. A single Monarch EDGE decoder and take up to four streams. 在一个例子中 a three-participant VizrTV production, Dr. 安德鲁十字架, President of Global Research and Development for the Vizrt Group, appeared on screen while being filmed in San Antonio, 美国, alongside Lang and Black. Monarch EDGE编码器用于捕获和编码美国摄像机捕获的馈电.S. studio and transport it to the Monarch EDGE decoder in 奥地利. 在那里,该设备还用于解码来自挪威其他君主EDGE编码器的馈送. 最终的结果是三个人肩并肩地出现在由Viz Engine 4渲染的现实虚拟工作室环境中.1. Despite participants being located in three separate cities across the globe, VizrTV was able to deliver a realistic live interview.


Matrox Monarch EDGE delivers 4:2:2 10-bit H.264 streams that translate to flawless greenscreen compositions

Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器对编码多个4:2:2 10位视频馈送的能力,并使用SRT在公共互联网上以超低延迟传输它们,这使得Vizrt很容易创建一个真实的虚拟studio setting for VizrTV, in which multiple individuals can come together from separate locations and in real time. “我们希望最终的结果是为观众提供一个无缝的观看体验,”朗说. “We didn’t want the viewers to say, ‘Wow, this is great technology.’ Instead, we wanted seamless interaction with the video so viewers can focus on the story. We could not have accomplished that without the Monarch EDGE encoder and decoder.”

Lang指出,Vizrt计划在其即将推出的VizrTV产品中使用Monarch EDGE编码器和解码器. “我们期待能够在未来的VizrTV节目中使用Monarch EDGE设备和我们自己的解决方案,他说. “We are eager to see what else we can accomplish with this dynamic combination.”