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LiveX Co-Founder Corey Behnke reveals the glue that holds his team's live streaming productions together, 讨论工具和协议, 延迟, and reliability in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.

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安东尼Burokas: 当你建立你的工作室和远程工具包. What type of glue do you use the piece these things together?

科里本克先生: When we're on the ground, we will typically use Dante for audio. And then we'll use SDI workflows, NDI workflows on the ground and then get them in via SRT. So a lot of times we'll embed audio with Dante onto the SDI and then transport that as channels via SRT. 我们爱SRT. I've been a huge backer of SRT since it first came out. There was that OG NAB where the NFL was telling everybody how great SRT is with Haivision. 我们有一个Zoom农场,一个Zoom花园. 都叫什么名字? 我有很多不同的极速服务器群. 这些都很有趣. 放大和缩小.

To your point about the glue that holds stuff together, how do you get your clearcom into the cloud? 如何让clearcom进入虚拟化vMix? 你如何获得你的Unity,或者你正在使用的任何东西? 每个人都在用不同的东西. 关于我们的事情是, 我们真的是最好的品种, meaning I've always been the kind of person that believes there's not one solution. I'm not going to just one booth for graphics or just one booth for audio. I think that's really served us well, as far as where we are right now in this acceleration.

But SRT is that one thing that I think if we didn't have that ... 当我在2010年的LiveStream上, 我最大的抱怨是——除了RTMP, which is still like a weird way to do that--there wasn't really something you could just rely on over inter网 to travel at any kind of 延迟. 很多人都说他们能做到. I remember Teradek coming out with the Cube with MPEG-TS, and it never was stable. 我不是在说特雷迪克的坏话. 它们是令人惊异的. They make amazing products, but it was more the inter网 protocols. 直到2011年或2012年“紫溪”问世, there really wasn't anything broadcast quality that you could transport reliably over the inter网.

安东尼Burokas: 为了澄清这一点, 依靠SRT, where do you fall in terms of 延迟 versus reliability? 你把它放在哪里?

科里本克先生: 这是关于延迟的问题. All of us that have been in the industry for over a decade, understand that 延迟 is a rabbit hole with multiple rabbit holes that has exponential rabbit holes inside of it. 你想干什么? 从这个开始. What we love about on-prem versus virtualization is that I can have two engineers on-prem, 它们可以成为我所说的延迟中心. We can all agree that time exists in that on-prem solution, that REMI. So now if time exists there, I can go, "Okay, you're a TD, you're a director. 你需要拿回一个WebRTC. 你得把这个项目拿回来. 你得接这个电话." So it just allows for this idea that you can make shows with human beings--and initially, 当大流行开始时, 每个人都说, 我的天啊, 我需要做更多的表演." So they had a TriCaster operator in their basement. And they lost all the people that they had that made these beautiful shows,. Because they relied on the one guy that we all know which used to be me, 但现在不是了, TD, 这一切都在他们的肩上. 我不认为这是正确的方法.

I think SRT gives you this ability to say, "All right, you stay at your house, but you can still...“当我们召开民主党全国代表大会时, 这是格伦·韦斯的经典镜头, who's the world-famous live director that does the Tony Awards. He directed DNC and he's literally sitting in his lounge, 这很大程度上是因为SRT作为一种技术.

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