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Choosing a Webcasting Vendor: It's All in the Details

For video production professionals, the challenges of producing world-class webcasts presents a dilemma: Do you acquire the skills, 专业知识, and technology to expand your offering, or simply partner with an organization that can produce the high-quality webcast your clients are expecting?

(这 投放媒体-sponsored article appeared first in 流媒体's Shoot, 开关, Stream Live Production Field Guide.]

Inter网 broadcasting has provided organizations with unprecedented power to deliver their messages to a wide audience. Enterprises are now using webcasts for a wide variety of communications, including quarterly earnings announcements, 新闻发布会, 产品发布, 会议, and major entertainment and sporting events.

A world-class webcast involves more than just streaming video. Organizations have come to expect high-quality virtual events with mixed media such as live streaming video, branded presentation slides, 和图形. A complete webcasting solution should also offer registration, participant Q&A, polling, post-event surveys, analytics, and reports. The key is having the flexibility to provide your clients with exactly the services they require.

For video production professionals, this presents a dilemma: Do you acquire the skills, 专业知识, and technology to expand your offering, or simply partner with an organization that can produce the high-quality webcast your clients are expecting?

Partnering for Success

Acquiring 专业知识 and technology may not be economically feasible, while partnering with a professional webcasting provider can give you cost-effective access to a complete set of services to round out your own offerings. Look for managed solutions, 与创新, reliable technology that will allow you to deliver premier webcasting services.

When considering a webcasting vendor, adaptability is important. 每个事件都是独一无二的, and your vendor partner should be able to tailor its solutions to fit your requirements and the complexity of the event itself. 投放媒体 [http://onstreammedia.com], for instance, can adapt its tools and services to your infrastructure and capabilities. We can take your signal from a video conferencing unit, fiber feed, or satellite downlink.

You can request an on-site encoder if necessary; or, if you own your own encoder, we can accept your feed and facilitate the webcast transmission.

Your vendor should work with you and your client to determine optimal streaming parameters – to ensure that the target audience for the webcast has the correct stream to match its available bandwidth.