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Tutorial: Multicam Editing in Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 7

Here's a look inside EDIUS Pro 7's MultiCam Mode, exploring how it streamlines editing up to 16 cameras, 并且在你做出最初的削减后,留有足够的调整和调整的空间.


One of the great features of EDIUS is its multicam mode. It's a very simple, 这是一个非常强大的工具,当你用多台相机拍摄一个事件时,可以使用它来同步来自不同相机的镜头. 

Setting Up a Multicam Edit

To illustrate how it works, I'm going to begin by bringing in my two shots, Cam 1 and Cam 1, 如图所示 图1 (below).

图1. Importing multicam footage. Click the image to see it at full size.

Once the clips are in, I'll bring them down to the timeline. 第一个, I'll place my first camera (Cam 1) on video track 1, then I'll place my second camera (Cam 2) on video track 2, as you can see in 图2 (below), with the associated audio tracks sitting right below.

图2. Cam 1和Cam 2分别在1V和2V上,其音轨中的第一个通道扩展. Click the image to see it at full size.

接下来,我将打开每个音轨的第一个通道,如图2所示(上面). In the traditional timeline, with the footage from both cameras together in the timeline, I really don't have any way of doing multicam. I need to enter Multicam Mode. To do so, I go up to the menu at the top of the UI and choose Mode > Multicam Mode (图3, below).

图3. Choosing Multicam Mode. 你 can also use the keyboard shortcut F8.

但首先,我想确保EDIUS知道我在多摄像机编辑中有多少台摄像机. 默认值是2 + Master,这正是我想要的,但是你可以在 图4 (below),您可以同时拥有多达16台摄像机,以便能够从EDIUS的Multicam模式中进行选择.

图4. Choosing the number of cameras.

Now that I've selected my number of cameras, I can choose Mode > Multicam Mode and press F8 to enter Multicam Mode. 您可以在图5(下面)中看到,Multicam显示在时间轴的左上角, and that I have Camera 1 and Camera 2 mapped in the timeline, 上面是凸轮1和凸轮2和它们上面的主凸轮并排.

图5. Multicam Mode. Click the image to see it at full size.

In 图4 (above), when I was picking the number of cameras in my edit, 你会注意到,我的选择包括一些选项与主和一些没有. 这样做的原因是,目前选择的镜头和显示在预览窗口也作为一个主. 因此,当我为编辑选择每个源时,我可以在预览窗口中看到它. In this case, I really don't need a master, 但是如果两台相机没有母带的话,就会在母带剪辑的地方留下空白, so that's most likely the reason why Grass Valley left it in.

Syncing the Audio

I have one small problem down in my timeline. If you listen at the 2:02 point in the video at the top of the page, you'll hear very clearly that my clips aren't synced up. 我需要在我开始多摄像机编辑之前让这些摄像机同步因为一个摄像机不会和我将要使用的主音频同步. 为了解决这个问题,我需要查看每个相机的波形. I can tell from where the peaks are that it's not line up correctly. In the upper left of the timeline area, just above the track headers, I see that it says "1 second" (图6, below). But If I hit the back arrow, I can take it all the way down to "1 frame,“这使我能够在时间轴上进行非常精确的修剪,使波形对齐. 图7 (below 图6),显示了大约1秒的波形,时间轴缩放到1帧.

图6. Adjusting timeline zoom, starting at the 1-second default.

图7. The waveforms with the timeline zoomed in to 1 frame. (See 图5 for comparison to 1-second zoom.) Click the image to see it at full size.

正如您在图7中所看到的,放大到1帧可以非常清楚地显示音频的位置. If your audio is way out of sync, 比如,如果一个摄像头比另一个晚一分钟启动,或者类似的事情, you could look for look for something very distinct, such as music starting, a flash going off, or a baby crying, 在每一个上面找到它然后去看波形. Once you've found the places in the waveform that you want to match, 你所要做的就是抓住3A中的波形并拖动它,直到它与1A中确定的峰值相当对齐, 如果有其他资料,继续这样做. Listen to your audio, 如果你仍然听到回声(这意味着两个音轨只是稍微不同步), but still enough to matter), 回到波形的最开始,再次移动3B,直到得到更好的匹配. 正如你在上面视频的3分58秒处听到的那样, the clips in 1V and 2V are now in sync. 你 can see the waveforms aligned in 图8 (below).

图8. Waveforms aligned, clips synced, multicam edit ready to roll. Click the image to see it at full size.

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