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Apantac多视图s Used in Jackson Square Control Center to Monitor Super Bowl Feeds

Apantac TAHOMA Multiviewers were chosen to visually monitoring incoming and outgoing Super Bowl SLVII feeds that were routed through the 美国赫斯特 Inc. Mini Pearl Broadcast Distribution Truck

Apantac TAHOMA Multiviewers were chosen to visually monitoring incoming and outgoing Super Bowl SLVII feeds that were routed through the 美国赫斯特 Inc. Mini Pearl Broadcast Distribution Truck. 

美国赫斯特 was brought on board to build an HD broadcast distribution truck for CBS 网work coverage of the Super Bowl XLVII. The Mini Pearl was born and designed to route feeds coming from production trucks, Superdome体育会展中心, as well as various stand-up locations throughout New Orleans - host city of Super Bowl XLVII. Feeds were then re-routed to various destinations via satellite and fiber, and back to trucks in the production compound.

CBS改变了杰克逊广场, a historic park in the French Quarter of New Orleans, 路易斯安那州, into an extensive broadcast center for Super Bowl 2013 sports, 新闻, 娱乐和数字报道. All signals being generated from the Jackson Square compound were routed through the 美国赫斯特 Mini Pearl truck. The Mini Pearl was also used for backup distribution for game day shows from Superdome体育会展中心 and the Super Bowl game itself. 

When it came to choosing its Multiviewer solution, 美国赫斯特, Apantac的当前客户, chose the TAHOMA Multiviewer due to their ease of use, 高视频质量, 卓越的公司客户支持, 范围灵活可靠的特点.


Hurst's Mini Pearl Broadcast Truck is using two 24-input TAHOMA-LE High Definition Multiviewers to drive four 46-inch LED monitors each with 12 individual monitors for a total of 48 signal windows. The TAHOMA Multiviewers and flat-screen displays permit much more efficient use of space and depth than traditional small CRT monitors. Plus, the TAHOMA Multiviewers provide Hurst with significant engineering advantages. 它们很容易配置, 使用更少的电力, 省钱, 需要更少的布线, generate less heat and emit less noise than CRT monitors.

TAHOMA-LE24 Multiviewer auto-detect 24 HD/SD-SDI/composite video inputs and offer 1-6 DVI/HDMI/VGA/SDI outputs at output resolutions up to 2048x1080 including 1080P. 除了, audio is supported with 16 channels of 嵌入音频 per SDI input and 4 channels of discrete audio per input as an added option. 

All Multiviewer Series' within the TAHOMA platform include a built-in CATx extender on every output for extending signals up to 115 feet. The TAHOMA platform also incorporates the Apantac "skin-technology" allowing users to customize the on-screen display of graphics including; borders, 标签, 字体, 统计发光二极管, 钟面, 标志, 嵌入音频, discrete audio meters and audio / video alarms. 
TAHOMA Multiviewer control interfaces allowed Hurst to size and position images and windows on the monitor for a customized look. All configurations can be saved and changed on the fly. The Multiviewer offers a very intuitive and easy-to-use GUI for all configuration set-ups. 

"We considered a Multiviewer a necessity in this project and we immediately approached Apantac,约翰·布莱特评论道, Director of Engineering at 美国赫斯特 Inc. "The Apantac TAHOMA units are extremely well-built, 表现完美, and were very straightforward for our truck engineers to configure and program."

The TAHOMA platform of Multiviewers is well suited for a wide variety of small and large-scale installations, 移动车, 主控制室, 生产工作室, 指挥与控制, 数字标牌, 医学成像, 远程教育, government and many other broadcast and professional audio visual applications.

Super Bowl XLVII was covered by the CBS Television Network in the U.S. 2013年2月3日星期日.