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领导者增加5条显示LV5490 4K-UHD/HD/SD多屏幕波形监视器

输入的SDI信号被转换成五个青色柱状图,同时显示最大和最小亮度, red-component, green-component, blue-component and composite levels

Leader Electronics 宣布为LV5490 4K-UHD/HD/SD多屏波形监视器增加五栏显示功能. This forms part of a major software upgrade (to version 3.2)在2016年InterBee上宣布,并将在2017年广播视频博览会上首次在欧洲亮相.


与英国渠道合作伙伴Boxer Systems Limited在J08展台共同参展, 领导人将由Koichi Fukugawa和Kevin Salvidge代表出席BVE.

Designed for use by engineers or camera operators, 五条显示是领导者的LV5333和LV5770 3G/HD-SDI测试仪器的流行功能. Its addition has frequently been requested by LV5490 customers. 输入的SDI信号被转换成五个青色柱状图,同时显示最大和最小亮度, red-component, green-component, blue-component and composite levels. 色域误差显示为超出法定阈值的红色偏移.

使用bar 1作为参考,正确调整亮度水平提供了一种快速简便的方法来检查照片是否被最佳曝光, avoiding highlight clipping or crushing.

The R, G and B graphs (bars 2, 如果任何颜色成分超出了色域,则通过高度可见的警报来补充.

Bar 5提供了类似的正向或负向水平被超过的警告,如果输出被集成为一个复合通道.

Each bar is displayed as a linear percentage scale. Supplementary features include line selection and display, a low-pass transient-error filter and a range of user presets.

In its multiscreen mode, LV5490可以显示5条和其他用户选择的参考内容,如R, G and B waveforms on its internal monitor or rasterized output.

Version 3.2软件现在是所有新交付的LV5490仪器的一部分,并将作为免费下载提供给现有客户群.

Occupying a half-rack-width by 4U high housing, the Leader LV5490 offers 4K, UHD, 3G, HD and SD test and measurement features in a compact portable unit. Waveform, vector, 在LV5490的9英寸液晶显示器上,可以同时看到五杆和图像显示. 显示器是全1920 x 1080高清分辨率,具有宽视角和高色彩再现. 还提供1920 x 1080 HD DVI和HD- sdi光栅化输出,以供更大的显示器使用. 同时查看多达四个SDI输入是可能的,包括覆盖. 单个通道的大小和位置可以使用USB鼠标在显示器上进行调整,因此用户不限于固定大小的象限.

领导者的CINELITE®II工具集(包括CINELITE和CINEZONE)也作为一个标准功能, 允许在生产过程中轻松评估相对曝光和整体亮度. 对焦辅助选项允许高度精确的相机对焦设置调整,以匹配4K格式处理非常精确的图像细节的能力.

The LV5490 can also be controlled remotely using standard KVM tools. LV5490的其他选项包括带有抖动测量的眼纹, digital audio I/O, Dolby decode, focus assist, CIE colour chart and 12G-SDI.

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Leader Electronics Corporation
Since its establishment more than 60 years ago, Leader (美国)以设计和制造一些最可靠的洗衣机而享誉世界, practical and cost effective electronic instruments available. 这些产品最初是为生产测试和维修而开发的. 这些应用程序的易用性和最高的可靠性是必不可少的. By expanding into a broad line of industrial and video instruments, Leader能够在这些基本品质的基础上增加行业内无与伦比的性价比. Manufacturing quality is built in every step of the way. Only the finest parts are used for optimum reliability. At each production run, 子组件在集成到成品中之前分别进行测试,然后进行进一步测试. 只有不到1%的利德产品被退回保修修理或调整. Leader products, 从4K波形监视器到光栅化器和视频测试设备, are specified for research, development, broadcast, production and service applications. 2015年由利德电子(日本横滨)、利德电子欧洲( provides customer support, 为领导者和一些高科技制造商提供销售和营销服务,特别关注广播和专业视频市场. 领导欧洲运营一个快速,高效和经验丰富的销售和支持渠道. Leader Europe在英国设有办事处,并在欧洲拥有广泛的渠道合作伙伴网络, providing pre-sales and post-sales service and support.