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Limelight推出Limelight Reach Live

New service streams live video to a wide array of 移动 devices, 包括平板电脑, 只使用一个媒体源

关注网络公司. (Nasdaq:LLNW)今天推出Limelight Reach Live, a new service that streams live video to a wide array of 移动 devices, 包括平板电脑, 只使用一个媒体源. Reach Live integrates video transcoding and best-in-class streaming technologies in real-time to ensure optimal viewing experiences to audiences anywhere, 在他们使用的任何设备上. Publishers can now easily deliver a viewing experience that is tailored to an ever-expanding array of handsets and IP-capable devices, enabling viewers to enjoy live video in a version best-suited to the screen size and bandwidth of their phone or tablet.

根据2011年In-Stat的一项调查, nearly two-thirds of smartphone owners have watched video on their devices, 而近86%的平板电脑用户都这么做过,埃德加多·纳扎里奥说, 副总裁兼总经理, Limelight视频平台, 关注网络. "As more consumers watch 移动 video from a growing number of devices, Reach Live helps 发布ers face the challenge of tailoring high quality video to different 移动 platforms in real-time. 客户只需输入一个实时源流, and Reach Live delivers a viewer experience that is customized to the size of the viewer's screen and available bandwidth. Publishers no longer have to worry about meeting the specific requirements of each new device on the market -- Reach Live's automatic device detection and database do all of the work."

进一步, Reach Live delivers 移动 videos using Limelight's 高性能 全球计算平台, ensuring fast and reliable delivery of video content, 即使在交通高峰期. Publishers can also easily access key analytics to measure end user video consumption.

提普顿院长Fasig, North America's oldest Thoroughbred horse auction company, is leveraging Reach Live and Limelight视频平台 to stream live horse auctions in high definition to both PCs and 移动 devices.

"When your audience is judging the motion of a horse and prepared to spend upwards of a million dollars on it, 你必须能够提供极高的质量, 可靠的视频,马克斯·霍奇说, 提普顿院长Fasig的客户服务总监. "Reach Live lets us reliably reach a broader audience and ensure that they experience exceptional viewing experiences that enable them to make better informed buying decisions."


Limelight's integrated suite of cloud-based applications allows 发布ers to efficiently 管理 their complete digital presence across web, 移动, 以及社交渠道. In addition to Reach Live, this end-to-end offering includes:

  • Limelight Reach: The Reach suite of mobility services removes the complexity of delivering rich-media experiences to 移动 environments. Reach Video 加速s delivery of on-demand video using a Universal URL for streamlined access. Reach Ads enables targeted dynamic advertising of 移动 video, while Reach Interactive lets 发布ers deploy rich interactive-video ads within 移动 apps.

  • Limelight视频平台: This easy-to-use service provides tools for managing, 出版, 测量, 将在线和移动视频货币化.

  • Limelight Dynamic 网站 Platform: Publishers can 管理 every aspect of their website delivery with this web content 管理ment (WCM) solution, which integrates sophisticated controls and capabilities for reaching desktop and 移动 users online.

关注网络公司. (Nasdaq:LLNW) is a trusted provider of integrated cloud-based applications that leverage Limelight's scalable, 高性能, 全球计算平台. 我们给那些拥有互联网的组织, 移动, and social initiatives are absolutely critical to their success a complete solution to upload, 管理, 发布, 赚钱, 加速, 并分析他们的在线和移动内容. The Limelight team of experts and end-to-end offering allow customers to streamline all of the processes throughout the content lifecycle and optimize the performance of content across all channels -- empowering them to quickly and cost-effectively orchestrate a successful digital presence that improves brand awareness, 驱动的收入, 并加强客户关系. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.limelight.com