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捷克爱乐交响乐团利用包括AJA FS-HDR等技术在内的4K HDR制作工作流程,通过一系列交付平台向国际观众播放和直播音乐会, KUMO, HELO, and Ki Pro Ultra 12

布拉格的捷克爱乐交响乐团近年来通过改造鲁道夫音乐厅扩大了其全球足迹, where it performs, into an international stage via live video broadcast and streaming technology. Rudolfinum技术主管Dušan bajtoski负责场馆的生产流程, 它支持音乐会广播和流媒体到欧洲电视频道捷克电视, MEZZO TV, ARTE, and European Classical TV; social streaming platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Meta; and many other distribution points. 确保跨观看平台和设备类型的最高质量体验, 他选择端到端用超高清HDR制作音乐会,并开始依赖大量AJA设备来执行.

“When approached for this job, it was one of the first UltraHD HDR projects in the region, and I like a good challenge,” Bajtoš said. “Anyone who has watched UltraHD HDR content can see the difference in quality, 更不用说大多数消费者家里已经有了支持超高清hdr的显示器, so this path made sense. With tools like AJA FS-HDR, 我们可以提高信号输出的质量,提供观众更容易享受的观看体验.”

为全球观众提供每场演唱会的不同视角, 该团队利用了四台载人摄像机和六台由现场导演室控制的机器人摄像机. Ahead of each concert, they comprise a shot list that describes the angle, timing, and length of shots per camera, as well as the object or artist to be put into focus. From the director’s room, Bajtoš and his team execute the production, 靠在一组显示器上监控画面,并进行色彩和曝光调整. Signal conversion – between camera log formats, HDR and SDR, and UltraHD and HD – is crucial to each transmission, which is where Bajtoš uses AJA FS-HDR. HDR/WCG转换器/帧同步器允许团队转换输出以匹配每个交付合作伙伴的需求, be it 4K HDR, HD HDR, or HD SDR. 

“Prior to adopting FS-HDR, our committee tested several solutions to assess the quality of conversion, but none compared to FS-HDR,” he explained. “它将如此广泛的算法封装到一个负担得起的设备中,并帮助我们满足几乎任何转换需求. We also love the various modes it offers, 从Colorfront引擎直播模式到BBC HLG LUTs模式和NBCU LUTs模式, which has really impressed us.”

In addition to FS-HDR, across productions, Bajtoš also leverages an AJA KUMO 1616 12G-SDI router, 哪一个集成到机器人摄像机头系统中以支持自动切换摄像机. The pipeline further uses an AJA HELO H.264 video streamer and recorder for reliable recording to USB drives that can be handed off to the crew and director after the production wraps. An AJA Ki Pro Ultra 12GApple ProRes备份录音使用4K/UltraHD/HD录像机和播放器/多声道高清录像机.

“HELO已被证明是一款非常可靠的流媒体和录音设备,它使我们能够轻松地快速分享音乐会录音,以满足工作人员的需求和导演的评论. Like all our AJA gear, it just works,” concluded Bajtoš.

For more information about the Czech Philharmonic, visit:

FS-HDR是一个功能强大的通用转换器/帧同步器,专为满足广播的高动态范围(HDR)和宽色域(WGC)需求而设计, OTT, production, post, and live event AV environments, where real time, 4K/超高清和2K/HD工作流程需要低延迟处理和色彩保真度. Developed in partnership with Colorfront, FS-HDR的HDR/WCG功能由Colorfront Engine专有视频处理算法提供支持.

AJA routers provide a convenient dense routing solution in lightweight, compact form factors for use in facilities, OB trucks, post suites and more. KUMO is available in multiple connector densities, in 3G-SDI and 12G-SDI options. KUMO is easy to update, configure, 通过可选的控制面板进行控制,以便快速物理访问源和目标路由, with convenient USB ports for IP configuration, 此外,所有型号都通过内置以太网连接提供跨网络的集成web浏览器访问. 

About AJA HELO Plus
AJA HELO Plus, the predecessor to AJA HELO, is a compact, advanced H.264 streaming and recording stand-alone appliance. HELO Plus提供SDI和HDMI I/O,能够将高达1080p60的流传输到内容传输网络并同时录制. 可以设置两个独立的流媒体目的地,并且可以对SD卡组合进行录制, USB storage and NFS or CIFS network storage. HELO Plus还提供了图中图的图形和硬件功能,使引人注目的演示变得简单.

About AJA Ki Pro Ultra 12G
Ki Pro Ultra 12G是一款多通道苹果ProRes录音机,提供多达4通道同时高清录制, or in Single-Channel mode, a 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD Apple ProRes or Avid DNxHR recorder and player. Avid DNxHD MXF is also supported up to HD formats in Single-Channel mode. Ki Pro Ultra 12G提供12G- sdi单线简单,可用于高达4K的大型光栅, (4 × 3G-SDI输入/输出可根据需要用于Quad Link操作)和HDMI 2.0 digital video connectivity with HDR support for both recording and playback. 丰富的模拟和数字音频连接可以满足任何项目对效率的需求, powerful and flexible workflows. For distance and remote needs, 12G and 3G Fiber SFP+ options are available. Ki Pro Ultra 12G还提供了记录genlock自由源的能力,并支持输入帧同步. Designed to be either portable or rackmountable with half rack wide, 2RU high dimensions, Ki Pro Ultra 12G is well suited for use in any environment.

About AJA Video Systems
Since 1993, AJA视频系统一直是视频接口技术的领先制造商, converters, digital video recording solutions and professional cameras, bringing high quality, cost effective products to the professional broadcast, video and post production markets. AJA products are designed and manufactured at our facilities in Grass Valley, California, 并通过遍布全球的经销商和系统集成商的广泛销售渠道进行销售. For further information, please see our website at