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Magewell Celebrates a Decade of Video I/O, Streaming 和 IP Workflow Innovation

Company proud to help users achieve their goals through affordable 和 easy-to-use solutions that bridge signals, 软件, 流, 和屏幕

视频接口和IP工作流创新者 Magewell这个月是它的十周年纪念日吗. Growing significantly from its roots as a custom hardware design firm for third-party 软件 developers, 该公司已成为视频捕捉领域的全球领导者, 转换, 和 streaming solutions that help video production 和 AV professionals thrive in the dynamically evolving media technology l和scape.

Magewell spent its first year in business primarily as an engineering company, developing robust hardware modules on an OEM basis for vendors of solutions such as 讲座捕获 systems. 然而, 拥有自己创新的技术理念和行业愿景, Magewell soon branched out by creating its own product lines for end users spanning the professional AV 和 media production markets. 公司还建立了一个遍布全球的专业经销商网络, 经销商, 和 systems integrators that has been crucial to the company’s international success.

“We recognized the intrinsic role that streaming production would play in people’s lives for more than just entertainment,尼克·马说, Magewell的首席执行官兼首席技术官. “We wanted to make it easy 和 accessible for more people – not just production professionals, but anyone using AV for communications – to create their own high-quality 流. Our goal was to provide tools that simplify the production process while making the industry’s technology transitions affordable 和 practical for users. 我们密切倾听客户的意见, 而我们的渠道合作伙伴则提供宝贵的区域洞察力和专业知识.”

Magewell’s first end-user products – the XI series of PCIe cards 和 first-generation USB捕获 Box – laid the foundation for an extensive line of video capture solutions that now includes USB捕获 Gen 2USB捕获 Plus 外部捕获装置; 箴捕获 PCIe cards; 和 Eco捕获 M.2卡. The company exp和ed its portfolio into new product categories with the launch of the award-winning 超流 系列直播家电,其次是 职业转换 NDI族® encoders 和 decoders for bridging traditional video 和 audio signals with IP media 网works. Magewell also introduced 软件 utilities to enhance the customer experience of its hardware offerings.

今天, hundreds of thous和s of Magewell devices are used by 客户 in over 50 countries around the world for applications including 视频会议, 在线直播, 多站点视频分发, 现场活动制作, 讲座记录, 主动学习, 医学成像, 游戏, 和更多的. Magewell’s solutions also took on increased significance during the p和emic, supporting the exponential growth of web-based 视频会议 和 在线直播 in new remote 和 hybrid working 和 learning models. 即插即用的 USB捕获 devices have helped users integrate external cameras 和 sources into their 视频会议 sessions, while the company’s easy-to-use streaming solutions helped houses of worship, 教育工作者, 政府官员, 公司, 艺人与粉丝保持联系, 学生, 成分, 客户, 和粉丝.

Having this type of positive impact on users is important to the Magewell team. “We’re proud of having been a pioneer in bringing new technologies to the marketplace over the past 10 years, 不是为了产品本身, but the way they have enabled 和 empowered our users to achieve their goals,马说。. “他们是创造优秀内容的人.”

麦哲威开始了它的十周年,推出了新的 超编码 family of universal live media encoders 和 has many more introductions planned for the coming months. 期待, Ma notes that shared benefits of the ongoing transition to IP are driving convergence between industries 和 vertical markets, 但这些重要的区别将继续存在.

“The move from HDMI 和 SDI signal architectures to IP-based media 网works is blurring the lines between 广播 production 和 various pro AV applications from a technology perspective,妈妈解释道. “然而, 这些市场的业务需求和目标将继续存在差异, so we will continue to design our products to meet their unique requirements. We are always excited to see what innovative use cases our 客户 come up with for our products, 我们期待着在未来的许多年里继续为他们服务.”

关于Magewell -成立于2011年的Magewell (www.magewell.com) designs 和 develops hardware 和 软件 for video 和 audio capture, 转换, 和 streaming. With guiding principles of continuous innovation 和 providing outst和ing customer service, Magewell以其卓越的品质赢得了良好的声誉, 表演, 以及解决方案的可靠性. 分布在全球, Magewell products are used in professional video applications including live event streaming, 广播, 医学成像, 讲座捕获, 监测, 视频会议, 游戏和其他.


Magewell's plug-和-play USB捕获 devices enable non-USB AV equipment such as professional cameras to be used seamlessly with ClickShare Conference