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National Park Service 100th Anniversary Celebration Captured inb 4K and Streamed Using Blackmagic Gear

URSA Mini 4.6K, Micro Studio Camera 4K, Blackmagic Duplicator 4K and numerous other products were used for live streaming and archival footage during the National Park Service's 100 Year Anniversary Celebration in Glacier Bay, 阿拉斯加

Blackmagic设计 今天宣布URSA Mini 4.6K, Micro Studio Camera 4K, Blackmagic Duplicator 4K and numerous other products were used for live streaming and archival footage during the National Park Service’s 100 Year Anniversary Celebration in Glacier Bay, 阿拉斯加.

自1916年以来, the National Park Service has been entrusted with the care of the United States’ national parks, 哪个项目每年吸引超过2.75亿游客. 2016年是美国国家公园管理局成立100周年, 全国各地全年都有特别的活动, 包括在冰川湾国家公园举行的庆祝活动, 胡纳特林吉特部族祖先的家园. 为了纪念公园管理局的生日, 公园和部落伙伴开设了胡纳部落之家, which represents all of the clans that were driven out of Glacier Bay by an advancing glacier more than 250 years ago. The purpose of the Huna Tribal House is to anchor the Tlingit in their ancestral homeland and to share the Tlingit culture and values with tens of thousands of visitors. 胡那部落之家的庆祝活动在Facebook上进行了直播, YouTube和胡纳印第安人协会的网站, 也链接到了国家公园管理局的网站上. 直播服务由StreamVu提供, and nature footage throughout Glacier Bay National Park was also shot in 4K for archival purposes.

负责拍摄的视频团队由制片人和导演约翰·布鲁克斯组成, 摄影总监Robin Charters和广播工程师Jim Toten. 他们用了两个URSA Mini 4.6K PLs与肩套件, 5台4k微型摄影棚相机, 两台微型电影摄影机, 5个视频辅助4k, 两台ATEM 1m /E Production Studio 4K转换器, 一个ATEM 1m /E广播面板, Teranex 3D处理器, 三辆Teranex express, 两个Teranex mini SDI Distribution 12G, 智能视频集线器20x20路由器, HyperDeck Studio 12G, a Blackmagic Duplicator 4K and several other products including various Blackmagic设计 monitors and converters.

在直播过程中, 摄像机安装好了,以便从各个角度捕捉这一事件, with the 两台微型电影摄影机 on remote heads and one of the Micro Studio Camera 4Ks on a small wireless RF stabilizer rig serving as the A camera. The cameras, Teranexes and playback sources were fed into the Smart Videohub 20x20 router. 这为各个监测仪提供了所有信号的分配, 录音机, 流编码器和最重要的, the ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K switchers that were used for live switching. 5个Video Assist 4K与每个Micro Studio Camera 4K一起使用, which allowed the team to record a 4K master from each camera while sending the color matched signals out from the cameras for the live stream. The Blackmagic Duplicator 4K was used to record the event as it happened so it could be distributed to the various media in attendance who needed material instantly for editing and putting together news reports.

据约翰说, 他之前曾在冰川湾国家公园执导过一部电影, filming in such a remote location under extreme conditions is not an easy task. “Not only do you have to consider the cost and logistics of shipping the equipment to and from 阿拉斯加, but you also have to make sure your crew and your equipment can improvise and do anything necessary to make it a success,他说. “Putting our team together and utilizing the incredible depth of the Blackmagic设计 product line, covering everything from shooting and acquisition all the way through posting and a complete live studio, 让我们把一个包放在一起,给了我们很多的多样性.”

吉姆说, “最大的收获之一, 尤其是在阿拉斯加, 是设备的大小和重量吗. 我们可以用回放的方式进行多镜头拍摄. I’ve done similar shoots in remote locations that were easily five times the weight and size of what we were able to do with Blackmagic设计 gear. That’s a significant difference and an advantage that Blackmagic设计 has over anybody else.”

除了用于直播之外, the URSA Minis and Micro Studio Camera 4Ks were also used throughout Glacier Bay National Park to film 4K footage of glaciers, 风景, 面试, 文化的场景, 比如美洲土著部落用手工雕刻的独木舟划船, 像海豹这样的野生动物, 水獭, 鲸鱼, 海雀和秃鹰. 国家公园管理局想要4K的档案录像, but the team knew they would not be able to do the live broadcast in 4K due to bandwidth restrictions from being in such a remote location. They tested numerous options to find out what would produce the best results and ended up doing the live stream in 720p, using several different Teranex models to convert the signals down from 4K and 1080p.

据罗宾说, “我们做了整整8小时的直播, but we also spent a lot of time traveling around Glacier Bay capturing footage. 摄像头有双重功能,确实帮了我们大忙. 例如,作为一个电影风格的相机URSA Mini 4.6K was great for going out into the field and shooting, but it’s also very capable as a live camera. 我们拍摄野生动物, 我们在船上, 我们在岸边拍摄冰川, 我们做了一个直播, 都有同样的摄像头. 所有的东西都完全融合在一起,摄像机也非常出色. 我花了很多时间使用URSA Mini 4.6K,能拍出非常漂亮的照片.”

约翰说, “对制片人或导演来说, 在这样的拍摄中,你会担心不同的层次, 先从成本说起. 我们必须节俭地做这件事, 到目前为止,Blackmagic设计是我们最好的选择. Then you worry about the quality, because usually when you cut cost, you cut quality as well. 但在《百家乐软件app最新版下载》中却完全不是这样. 质量非常好. 即使在一些艰苦的条件下, 比如雨和雾,暴露在自然环境中, 一切都完美无缺. 我们有备份,但从来不用. 最终, we needed a workflow that would work in a remote location for archiving 4K footage and streaming at 720p, 这是非常可靠的, 而Blackmagic设计设备让我们能够无缝地完成这一切.”

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黑魔设计创造了世界上最高质量的视频编辑产品, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, 现场生产切换, 硬盘录像机, 波形监视器和实时电影扫描仪的功能电影, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic设计’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic设计 continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. 由世界领先的后期制作编辑和工程师创立, Blackmagic设计在美国设有办事处, UK, 日本, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.blackmagicdesign.com.