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4K/HD Production/Gear

Grass Valley的LiveTouch帮助柏林工作室提高回放能力

Grass Valley宣布其LiveTouch重播和亮点系统将成为Studio Berlin升级的现场制作工作流程的关键要素.
Featured News, Posted 12 May 2021

AVer Releases AI Auto Tracking Camera with 30X Optical Zoom

The AVer TR331 PTZ camera includes Hybrid Mode Tracking
Featured News, Posted 05 May 2021

State-of-the-Art Streaming at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue

曼哈顿圣托马斯教堂的布莱克·马丁讨论了“加布里埃尔计划”,“教堂最近实施的集成4K多摄像机捕获和流媒体解决方案, 配有11个安装的松下PTZ相机,并与Iconoscope Productions的James Sapione合作开发.
Featured Articles, Posted 04 May 2021

松下与著名的电影摄影师Ed Lachman ASC合作,为VariCam电影摄像机提供首次曝光地图工具

Featured News, Posted 07 Apr 2021


AVer DL30具有先进的人工智能(AI)跟踪功能,可以在课堂上无缝跟踪教师,并具有12倍光学变焦功能
Featured News, Posted 07 Apr 2021

Buyers' Guide: Production and ENG Cameras

如今,一台配备1英寸CMOS传感器的超高清4K相机售价不到3000美元. Solid, smaller-sensor models retail for $1,500. 如果你考虑到相机和记录技术在短时间内取得了多大的进步,你就会感到难以置信.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Apr 2021

Tutorial: Setting Exposure on iPhones, DSLRs, and Camcorders

本文将讨论如何使用专业摄像机和数码单反相机进行手动操作. This means how to set shutter speed, gain, aperture for the camcorder, and shutter speed, aperture, and ISO for the DSLR. In both cases, your guiding light will be zebra stripes, so I'll describe what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to achieve accurate exposure.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Mar 2021


意大利天空电视台(Sky Italia)将格拉斯谷(Grass Valley)的摄像机作为其演播室运营的核心. The deployment is part of a wider studio camera upgrade, 使广播公司能够满足不断增长的直播内容需求,并启用新的服务.
Featured News, Posted 24 Mar 2021


Featured News, Posted 24 Mar 2021


Blackmagic Design今天宣布,乐队MisterWives最近的“SUPERBLOOM: the Live Dream”流媒体完全是在Blackmagic Design口袋电影摄像机4K和6K摄像机上拍摄的.
Featured News, Posted 24 Mar 2021


Blackmagic Design今天宣布,The Darkness最近的一场音乐会是由Indigo在The O2使用URSA广播摄像机制作和流媒体的.
Featured News, Posted 17 Mar 2021


具有成本效益的USB Capture HDMI 4K Plus使ACE Global能够轻松可靠地为发展中国家的医科学生提供手术的实时视频
Featured News, Posted 17 Mar 2021

Camera Upgrades for Remote Streaming Production

随着Zoom和其他视频会议应用程序主导我们的专业互动, 远程制作和演示仍然是面对面会议和其他活动的必要选择, webcam video is often the weakest link in our remote connections. Anthony Burokas recommends alternative camera sources--smartphones, DSLRs, and better webcams--and explains how to make them work.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Mar 2021


黑魔设计今天宣布,最畅销的男装作家和社会影响者, Hugo Jacomet, 使用Blackmagic口袋电影相机6K和ATEM迷你专业ISO为他的YouTube频道制作每周内容, Sartorial Talks.
Featured News, Posted 03 Mar 2021

Connecting a DSLR or Camcorder to an External Mic

如果你想制作高质量的音频来配合你的视频, 你需要知道如何将麦克风或音板连接到摄像机上. This tutorial will show you, 先是用于带XLR接口的传统摄像机,然后是带1/8”插孔的数码单反相机.
Featured Articles, Posted 03 Mar 2021

Buyers’ Guide: Action Cams

Action cams remain a popular option for action sports (of course), POV video, drones, underwater video capture, 还有视频记录应用,前置屏幕会带来不同. GoPro's Hero 9 Black still grabs most of the headlines, 但其他竞争者使这个蓬勃发展且相当多样化的动作相机市场更加完善.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Feb 2021

Product Spotlight: HuddleCamHD Pro Webcam

The HuddleCamHD Pro (USB 3.0), certified by Zoom Video Communications, 和Pro IP (4K NDI)电子PTZ网络摄像头配备手持红外遥控器来控制PTZ功能.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 17 Feb 2021

Product Spotlight: HuddleCamHD SimplTrack2

The HuddleCamHD SimplTrack2 is a pan, tilt, 以及变焦USB摄像头,可以自动跟踪演示对象.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 17 Feb 2021


NetEase Games, a video game development company, 他们在日本的2020秋季电子竞技锦标赛中使用了Blackmagic设计工作流.
Featured News, Posted 17 Feb 2021

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