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回顾:惠普Z1 G2一体机工作站

在这篇综述中, we'll look at four key new features that make the Z1 all-in-one idea an even better toolset for those who need super-fast connectivity to external storage, coupled with touch capability and an all-solid-state-drive (SSD) configuration.

回到一月份,当我们 惠普Z1 G2首次亮相, 第二代一体Z工作站, we got a bit of feedback from readers interested in whether the new features on this second-generation all-in-one justified upgrading from the original Z1.

在我们得到一个之后, we can unequivocally say that three areas make it worth the upgrade price, and one that is almost there but not quite: the inclusion of mSATA drives, 迅雷2的灵活性, 一个更新的图形处理器单元, and the addition of touch capability to the 27” integrated monitor screen.

在这篇综述中, we’ll look at all four and see how they make the Z1 idea an even better toolset for those who need super-fast connectivity to external storage, coupled with touch capability and an all-solid-state-drive (SSD) configuration.


In 我们对原来的Z1的回顾, we mentioned that the unit had 3 PCI-Express slots, 位于单元的中上方附近, but that they all lacked the ability to be used for mSATA drives. For those who might not be familiar with this form factor, it’s essentially a solid-state drive (SSD) on a single printed circuit board (PCB), allowing for some of the incredibly thin form factors you’ll see on ultrabooks and even laptops like the MacBook Air. More important than just the thin form-factor potential, 虽然, 是因为它是PCI-Express, offering a mainline into the mainboard (aka the motherboard) for incredibly fast data transfers.

HP ships the Z1 G2 with a single mSATA drive option, using a second PCI-Express slot for a WiFi card. This means that the best mSATA usage scenario for the Z1 G2 is as a boot drive.

Using the mSATA as the boot drive leaves the other two 2.5" drive bays—populated by either dual traditional platter-based hard drives (HDD) or large form-factor solid state drives (SSD)—to be set in a RAID configuration without risking the operating system if one or more of the RAID drives fail.

在测试中,mSATA (下面的图1) offers very quick response: Since we didn’t have to wait for a drive to spin up, the overall process of moving around the operating system felt snappier, especially when coming back to the Z1 G2 after time away. 在传统硬盘中, the spin-up time is often what takes so long for a machine to “wake up” and be responsive to those initial commands after time away from the device.

图1. 这款mSATA硬盘是随惠普Z1 G2发货的. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

We asked HP to provide dual SSD drives for our RAID configuration, and the company responded with two Micron RealSSD C400 2.5寸硬盘,每个512GB的存储容量. We tested these both in JBOD (non-RAID) and RAID configurations, and each one provided enough throughput that we would seriously consider making the Z1 G2 in to a field video switching and multi-channel recording unit. More on that when we talk about touch capability.


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