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How to Develop In-House Video Competency, Part 1: Studio Setup

在这个由五部分组成的系列中, we'll examine all the elements you need to consider when developing an in-house video competency at your business or organization, 从第1部分的工作室设置开始, 然后是人员配置, 投资, 准备,, 内容和营销策略, and concluding with the elements of a video publishing program that you should continue to outsource.

我的公司, videoBIO的目的是使视频更容易为企业. We’ve been doing video across North America for seven years now. We have more than 500 contracted videographers and producers in the field that shoot onsite for our projects. 使用基于云的应用, we handle all of the pre- and postproduction internally from our Toronto office.

One of the biggest growth areas that we've seen in our business in the last three years is watching our clients build in-house production teams, and bring in-house a lot of the production work that our contractors have traditionally done for them. 幸运的是, we’ve built our business model with the flexibility to support our clients however they want to work with us. 在大多数情况下, we continue to do pre-production for them and they do the production internally. Often, we work directly with companies, teaching them how to bring the whole competency in-house.

We regard this as a natural shift in the market because so many more companies are starting to create more video organizationally. 自然, companies are not going to want to just pay outside vendors to do the video work; whenever possible, 他们要把这种能力带进公司.

How can you develop your own effective in-house team? 在本文中, we’ll answer that question with attention to all the angles you need to cover: production, 百家乐软件, 投资, 技术, 内容, 和外包.



There are a lot of elements involved in building an in-house video competency. 我们先来看看视频制作, exploring how to building a studio and some of the equipment you'llwant to consider.


I don't know if some of those questions raised in the video clip above have resonated with you in your process of creating an in-house video competency, but two key factors for any company developing in-house video capability are studios and setups.

我们看到各种各样的客户问我们, “看, 我只是想开始在内部创作更多的视频, 我从哪里开始呢?? 我需要创建什么样的工作室? 我应该在工作室投资多少钱?" Depending on what you can afford and what you want to accomplish, there are a couple of different levels of studio you can build. We’ve worked with a broad range of organizations from large to small. 我们与微软和普莱斯等公司合作, 沃特豪斯, 库珀在多个城市都有工作室, 和100美元,000-$200,000工作室. We also work with real estate brokers who are creating a studio right in their brokerage and want to start working right from their desktop.

This final installment of our 5-part series on in-house video is focused on outsourcing. What functions or roles should you consider to outsource to vendors after you bring much of your video competency and production in-house?
In this 4th segment of our series on developing in-house video competency we'll look at 内容 production and strategic issues surrounding it: How much 内容 should could you be creating and what types?
In this segment of our 5-part series on best practices for in-house video operations, we'll focus on cloud-based technologies for multi-point 内容 creation and distribution.
In this second segment of our 5-part series on best practices for developing an in-house video operation at your organization, we'll look at staffing needs and the level of 投资 you should anticipate as you build your video program.