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What's Ahead for Streaming Producers

Live X's Corey Behnke, LiveSports' Jef Kethley, 和Dayglo Ventures的乔纳森·希利讨论了流媒体制作的发展趋势, 以及专业制作人如何在2020年流媒体西部会议上为他们的小组做准备.

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Read the complete transcript of this video:

Corey Behnke: 我认为我们有一个难以置信的机会,因为人们正在被迫创新. I've spent my entire life saying, "Hey, 你要把它放到一个流媒体上”给电视广播公司, and they literally looked at me--back in 2004--like, "Kid, get out of here!“所以看到这种增长真的很有趣,尤其是今年. 尽管2020年很糟糕,但强制创新是谈论它的唯一方式. I say to operators, "Throw away the playbook, 把你以前知道的一切都扔掉,好好想想那些事情. Like, 让厨师看着侍酒师,不同的人之间有这种互动,想出以前从未有过的内容,这真是太棒了." And so that's incredibly exciting to me. And that can pay the bills too, by the way, 因为在某些时候,你可能会想出一种内容类型或内容理念.

If you're starting out, start cheap, start with OBS, start with the things that you have in front of you. There are plenty of free things out there. 我20多岁时没有的最伟大的东西是YouTube. You can do anything. 此时你可能是一名宇航员在看YouTube视频. It's ridiculous. 小插件——我们有一个YouTube频道,在那里我们打开很多视频,讨论我们的东西. But those are my recommendations. 我知道它们可能有点俗气,但这是我们的首选. Start with vMix, and then look at what's out there, 看看我们要为客户提供什么.

Jef Kethley: 如果您还没有考虑云计算,那么现在就开始考虑生产百家乐软件吧. If you haven't been doing that for the last five months, if you've been sitting at home, as some of us have, or not working on a regular basis, then start now and use those YouTube resources, 利用所有的百家乐软件,这样你就可以了解它的基础知识. 如果你需要找像我或科里这样的系统集成商了解云计算, it can help you get started and give you a kickstart. 但最重要的是:将云视为生产的未来. 如果你不在云端,你就会被抛在后面. There's no way I could ever say that any cleaner than that. 如果您现在不在云中,那么生产中的一切都将在云中. It may not happen in a year, 但它正在以光速发生——比任何人预期的都要快.

Jonathan Healey: Patience and education. And the reason I say that is, from our specific use case, in the music business, you have box office people, merch people, bartenders, marketing people, general managers--they're all production people. Now our entire business has shifted to streaming. So what we have done is, 我们找了一些根本不在这个领域的人,他们对直播一无所知, video production, or sound, and they're all becoming experts in it. 我们必须对我们的团队进行教育,进行大量的培训,以维持员工队伍,然后让员工能够实施所有这些东西. 我有一些人在远程操作实时切换软件,他们根本没有生产经验. And they're taking cues. They're on com with a director; they're punching in graphics. Maybe they're building Facebook Live events; maybe they're building YouTube live events.

It's really amazing to watch. It's fascinating, 因为我认为我们所有人都在这个领域呆了很长时间, but at least in my business, the entire business is in the space. 所以我认为利用你的员工,花时间进行培训, because if we hadn't done that, we wouldn't be where we are. 我们要做很多流,我们需要很多人力来做. And because we've spent the time to educate our staff, train them, and get them into a really comfortable space. And the nice thing is they enjoy it. We're lucky we deal with the music. People are very passionate about music. 所以当一个营销或票房人员来为音乐拍摄时, they're there for the music. 所以他们受到了启发,他们在做伟大的工作.

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