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Pandemic-era social distancing and the pivot to remote production have brought Zoom into the mix for many live producers who might have never used it before. Live X的科里·本克, SLV Live的肖恩·林报道, and LiveSports LLC's Jef Kethley discuss how Zoom has entered their workflows in this clip from 流媒体西互联 2020.

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科里本克先生: Zoom是一个了不起的生产工具. 我们不要吹毛求疵了. 我们有话直说吧. We have some clients who want to use Google Meet, 或者他们想使用团队, 或者他们想用别的东西. But it's pretty much our preferred workflow for, “嘿, let's all get together and make a show together." Now, maybe we might put in some of the content.So the back-end producer plays can be for the zoom. 还有客人,房间. We've created probably eight different workflows using Zoom, 有时作为开关的输入源, 有时作为一种. 我是说,这很疯狂? 作为生产工具, it's allowed our industry to innovate in a way that we wouldn't have otherwise been able to. 所以我们使用SRT, we have a product called Live X Director that gets you 200-400 milliseconds so that someone can actually cut cameras remotely.

I think back to that latency thing and the Zoom thing--you almost have this differentiation of products for the thing that you're trying to do.

“嘿,我是个导演. 我得剪掉一个节目.”“好吧, well, you need this ultra-low-latency product."

“嘿, I'm a back-bench producer and one to two seconds is okay for me.“好吧,好吧,我们要把你放进Zoom里。."

“嘿, I have 20 consumers that have to come on this show and they have their laptop camera.”“好吧. 获得我们的铆钉应用程序或使用Zoom."

所以我认为这是革命性的. I think it was made for this moment and I wanted to pooh-pooh it so hard. Back in March, I wanted to be like, "You're going to use Zoom. 你不知道你在做什么.“我满脑子都是屎. 这是当今市场上的合法产品.

肖恩林: 我完全可以赞同这些观点, 因为三月初, my whole business was just consulting my existing clients--or my previous clients, 我应该说, because they were no longer doing much business--as to how they were going to pivot and what platforms they were going to use. 最明显的就是极速. But because they were going through some challenges early on, 我可以说, “是的, 可以使用缩放, 但这里有一些挑战, here are some other platforms that you may want to be looking at and that I can recommend and train you on." So, 作为顾问, it was good to be able to recommend something that was different than the "consumer" or the obvious option. But now it's harder to not recommend Zoom because it's stable. 它做得很好. 每个人都用过. And you need to have a really compelling reason not to recommend it moving forward.

杰夫Kethley): I think Corey would probably agree with me on this: The reason not to use Zoom would be if you had a great product like Corey's Rivet to bring multiple people in that you need to control. 这就是你使用其他工具的地方. If you just need easiness and a common way for everybody to get into it, Zoom仍然是首选, 毫无疑问. 团队就在我们后面, especially with the new NDI outputs that opened up a whole other world for us.

With the release of vMix 27, Windows producers can now get clean Zoom Meeting inputs in vMix. The best part is that there are no additional upfront or monthly subscription costs to vMix 27users with an HD, 4K, 箴, 或最大许可. All that is required is to download the Zoom Plugin for vMix. 下面是它的工作原理.
Dayglo Ventures VP Jonathan Healey discusses the Couch Tour and how FANS Live creates two-way experiences for crowdless concerts in their venues that allow fans and performers to vibe off each other in this clip from 流媒体西互联.
Live X的科里·本克, LiveSports的杰夫·凯斯利报道, and Dayglo Ventures' Jonathan Healey discuss what's coming in streaming production, and how professional producers can prepare for it in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 West 2020.