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可得性简单,价格实惠, 质量, 专业设备可以增强您的企业信息. Let's take a look at some of what's available and see how it can be used to revolutionize your messaging inside the office

看看流媒体 企业视听现场指南由 Broadfield分发.

视频在当今世界已经无处不在. 多年来,它已经从电视转移到电脑屏幕上. 从那时起,它就转移到了我们的手持设备上. Now that almost anything with an inter网 connection can play or livestream video, 视频的使用呈指数级增长. YouTube和Pinterest已经是“如何”指导的主要目的地.

A huge percentage of viewers’ home entertainment comes via an OTT streaming service rather than cable or OTA antennas. And many would-be celebrities 记录 or livestream the most banal aspects of their daily lives. It’s inescapable, and it’s only going to keep growing for the foreseeable future.

公司使用视频已经有几十年了. 在数字和磁带媒体出现之前,他们甚至用胶片拍摄重要的公报. Sometimes the content has been the most cringeworthy safety videos full of wholly unbelievable gruesome accidents showing what can happen if you don’t heed warnings and signs. 有时,新员工会接受冗长的内部培训. But the ease of utilizing these new technologies has expanded the cases in which video can be implemented to great effect.

商业使用视频的方式有很多. 销售培训, 内部沟通, 全体会议, 投资者及年报, and quarterly reviews are all repetitive communications that can be shot once and shared with an unlimited audience around the globe. For some small companies, just 记录ing a meeting with someone’s phone is good enough. 但可用性简单,价格实惠, 质量, 专业设备可以增强您的企业信息. Let’s take a look at some of what’s available and see how it can be used to revolutionize your messaging inside the office.


如果你的业务超出了智能手机摄像头的解决方案, 那么你可能是在市场上的多摄像头专业系统. No multi-camera system is complete or even usable without a complementary system to control and switch the cameras. 幸运的是, today’s technology doesn’t require a permanent studio and six-person crew to make a production.

Even professional solutions like the NewTek TriCaster 410 Plus are approachable and easily learned by amateurs. NewTek’s TriCaster series of switchers has long been a respected leader in the live video production space. 410 Plus (下面的图1) packs in generous features that will allow your video productions to evolve and grow for years ahead.

图1. NewTek TriCaster 410 Plus

The 410 Plus supports up to eight camera sources over SDI connections and eight more cameras over NDI, NewTek的开源网络设备接口协议. Dozens of companies are implementing NDI technology into their hardware and software allowing incredible flexibility in making connections among devices in a live video setup. 仅凭软件, you can connect to and completely control pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras for productions with fewer crew members. 410也提供本地Skype TX支持, 允许制作人将Skype通话作为视频源. 通过4K录制, 3TB存储空间, 同时录制和流媒体, you can reach all of your audience no matter where they are or how they want to watch. 而TriCaster可以在没有硬件切换器的情况下使用, NewTek offers several models of control surfaces for those that want to enhance their production capabilities.

If a hardware solution is more than you need and you already have a powerful PC available for your production hub, 您可以从Telestream (下面的图2). This software gives you the flexibility and power of a professional production switcher without the need for dedicated hardware. 有了这个软件, you have the flexibility to use the video and audio capture cards or devices of your choice from respected brands like Blackmagic Design, Matrox, Teradek和更多. 如果你不需要硬件输入, Wirecast Pro允许您连接多个IP源, 屏幕截图和WiFi或LTE源. When you’re ready to step up, Telestream offers the Gear line of hardware switchers. 这些专业切换器提供多个摄像头输入, PTZ控制, 同步流和记录, 动画3D图形和标题.

图2. Telestream Wirecast Pro

For a more portable solution to multi-camera productions, take a look at the SlingStudio system (下面的图3). 这种创新, 模块化解决方案只需要几个组件:SlingStudio Hub, CameraLinks, 以及Mac或iPad. Hub和app是这个系统的核心, 允许你切换摄像头, 记录, 用一个紧凑型手机进行直播, 易于使用的界面. The Hub can handle up to ten camera sources including Apple or Android smartphones.

图3. Sling Media SlingStudio

CameraLinks take any HDMI camera source and transmit the 1080p60 signal wirelessly to the Hub up to 300 feet away. For productions outdoors or in large auditoriums, leaving the wires in the office is a huge bonus.

如果需要更简单的切换器,请查看Roland VR-1HD切换器(下面的图4). 这个紧凑的, pro switcher offers up three “worry-free” HDMI inputs that accept a variety of HD and computer-based video resolutions. The biggest advantage of these ports is that you can connect just about any camera and device to the switcher without worrying about differing resolutions or refresh rates. You can also set up specific presets for switching that can combine a variety of layers, 图形, 然后插入Windows. To call one up during a shoot, just press the button that corresponds to the scene you want to show. This allows a more experienced video producer to setup presets that an amateur can utilize without knowing all of the ins and outs the hardware. 如果你根本没有人员来操作开关, VR-1HD甚至提供自动切换功能. 您可以将其设置为在源和预定或随机间隔之间切换.

图4. 罗兰VR-1HD AV流混频器

有几十个平台提供价格合理的直播, 教堂可以直接向他们的核心受众提供定制的流媒体服务, 个性化的方式在10年或20年前是不可能的. Here we'll emphasize gear that will work best for houses of worship in today's high-tech streaming landscape.